part 10

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Y/ns pov:
I waited until it was the evening to leave. I might have to confront him and i didn't want to do it straight after he asked me to be his girlfriend. I got in my car thinking. I expected to possibly find him with another girl. But after what i found i wish it was another girl. As i turned the corner to his road i felt a pit of anxiousness in my stomach. I parked opposite his house far away enough not to get caught and close enough to be able to see. Kai entered his house followed by two men in white. Were they going to have some kinky threesome or some bullshit like that?! 5 minutes later a group of people emerged and that's when i froze. These people were in masks. Clown masks. The same clown masks that had been seen all over the city. The same clown masks that ally so frantically claimed to have seen at the supermarket. Holy shit. Did they do something to kai?! After they left i ran straight to kai door and knocked on it pounding. The door opened and there stood a man in white 'The divine ruler cannot talk right now.' 'Divine ruler what the fuck does that mean? I need to speak to kai.' 'Like i said he's not here right now you just missed him.' 'How just?' 'What?' 'How long ago did he leave?!' i asked frantically begging for answers. 'About 5 minutes i don't know you need to leave.' I turned away and ran my fingers through my hair stressing. 'Wait what did you mean by DIVINE RULER?' i stressed. He slammed the door in my face. What the fuck is going on?!
Kais pov:
We went over to the truck and were just about to leave when i froze. Y/n stood at my doorway talking to one of my men. I could merely hear panic and demanding but i only really saw their mouths moving. 'Are we leaving?' 'Shutup!' i hissed intently watching. A minute later she turned and left agitated running her fingers through her hair. i ripped my mask off and started going towards her. 'You cannot leave kai you can't just abandon us this is-' 'Speed wagon don't!- I'm not- Alright let's go.' I quickly realised it wouldn't make sense for me to not have been there and approached her straight after. She'd know i was watching. Too many complications. Questions. I'll text her later. 'Shit let's go.' we left and went to complete our next task.

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