part 1

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'Holy shit. I'm so sorry my love.'
Y/ns pov:
I scurried down the pavement in a hurry. If i wasn't at my shift in 4 minutes i would get another big talk from my sleazy boss. I'm not too worried he'd never actually fire me. But i could do without getting shitted on again. As i quickly tried to speed walk. I was in a panic when i was alerted by a notification from my phone. It was my boss. 'Where are you y/n!' I furrowed my brows and contorted my face with angst. i charged ahead and was jolted by a stranger losing my balance. As i tumbled back they caught my wrist just in time and helped me. i heaved myself back on my feet and looked up at a man. What striked me most was his vibrant blue hair and chiselled jaw line. He looked into my eyes intently and i looked back with fury. 'Are you okay ma'am?' 'Would you watch where you're going?!' I replied in frustration. I felt slightly bad as he seemed kind but i was in a hurry. 'Actually you were the one who charged into me.' He said with a chuckle. 'Whatever thanks for catching me.' I sped forward with no hesitation. 'Hey come back!' 'Does it look like i have time!' i yelled snappily. He hesitated and simply observed me to see what i'd do next. A sly smile creeped onto his face and he raised his brows. He had beautiful eyes. His face was quite entrancing really. Something about him drew me in. Since he wasn't responding i turned and started speeding ahead. He followed along intrigued 'Where are you in such a rush to?' 'Work!' i said panting. 'What's your name?' 'y/n.' 'Nice to meet you I'm Kai. Where do you work y/n?' he said still keeping up. 'I work at the coffee shop around this corner and my boss is an asshole so i CANNOT BE LATE!' we turned round the bend and i was just over a minute late. Before i went in i got a second to speak 'Listen Kai it's been great talking to you but i have a job to do i'm really busy right now. Maybe some other time alright.' I said. Though i was quite interested in him i was exhausted and needed to go. I darted in and put my apron on in a hurry. Kai followed me in his eyes scanning the shop. Just then my boss came out. '2 Minutes late y/n!' 'I know i'm sorry I ran as quick as i could.' 'Who's this your boyfriend?' he said looking Kai up and down. Kai put his arm around my waist and slightly drew me in with an innocent tight lipped smile. 'Yes sir.' I startled slightly and rolled my eyes. His eyes lingered on us for a few seconds 'Well hurry up and do your job.' he muttered and left. 'Kai-' he grabbed a piece of tissue and started scribbling something. 'Here's my number. Balls in your court.' hesitantly i slid the tissue over to my side of the counter. I scanned the paper it read his number and a his name 'kai <3' with a messily scribbled heart. I put it in my pocket. The corners of my lips slightly perked up. I was really intrigued now. 'I'll talk to you later then kai.' i said playfully. He intently looked into my eyes for a few seconds. It was comforting. 'See you y/n.' and with that he left. I took a deep breath and let myself smile. I even giggled happily to myself. Kai.

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