Chapter 11

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(this chapter contains possibly triggering content. If you need to step out of the story, please do. Don't push yourself and stay safe)

"So you two used to be friends?" Pinx asked after Maxis was done telling her about how they'd met.  Maxis took a breath in as if they were about to speak but hesitated. They didn't hesitate to think, they knew the answer.  But how much should they tell Pinx was more their concern.
"Uh- sort of, you could say." Pinx tilted her head slightly.

It was painfully obvious they were not friends. Gethin wasn't exactly subtle, but she was curious as to what exactly happened there. As if Maxis would tell her.
"I think- um - it's a story for another ti- Oh look, the doctor's back!" The doctor smiled at the two and introduced themself.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Taw I have no specific set or sets of pronouns, so use whatever you would like." They extended their hand out to Pinx and she high fived it. The doctor pulled away a little confused and extended his hand to Maxis who promptly shook it. Pinx seemed to realise and apologized quickly and half under her breath.
"It's fine." The doctor looked down at the papers on her chart and read off one of them while speaking to Pinx.
"I understand you, sustained a minor head injury, refused bed rest, had to escape a burning building but was then trapped in and knocked out of the way of falling debris, had to run through the burning building thus inhaling smoke, escaped, and then fainted?" The doctor looked back at her to confirm. She nodded.

"Okay," she flipped the page and turned to Maxis.
"And you saved her from the falling debris, sustaining a 3rd-degree burn, put a numbing charm on it, walked through the building also inhaling smoke, were pushed out of a window, and then escaped with-" They flipped the page back over. "Pinx?"
"That is accurate." The doctor raised their eyebrows and handed them some paperwork to fill out as well as some pencils.

"Please fill out this paperwork so that we can properly log you into the system." The Spheed was about to leave but turned at the door.
"And hey," They pointed to Pinx. "Stay in your bed." Maxis laughed before catching a dirty but playful glance from Pinx.

They filled out the paperwork for a few minutes before a nurse came into the room. They pressed a button on the television and put the remote down on the middle table in between the beds.
"You can watch something if you want and the doctor will be back in an hour."

Pinx reached for the remote. Before pulling back a little,
"Is it okay if I put something on?" She looked to Maxis for confirmation.
"Yeah of course." She took the remote and flipped through the channels. Around 7 minutes had passed before she gasped and stopped on a television show 'The Lost Emblem'.

Maxis rolled their eyes.
"Seriously? You want to watch this? This is about the most melodramatic thing ever produced in the history of Madrid."
"Oh shush." Pinx waved her hands dismissively as a voice began narrating the events of the previous episode while clips of it flashed across the screen. Maxis let out a groan before complying and settling back into the hospital bed. To their surprise, they were actually intrigued, though they would never let Pinx know such a thing.

They were the captain of the hunters after all and the youngest one in history at that. Serious, stern, ambitious and skilled. That's how they excelled through the Hunter training and landed this position. They weren't supposed to be so easily entertained.

To hide their interest, they began on the other side of the pamphlet. Though they still vaguely listened to the story. After they finished their sheet, they got a magazine to better conceal their interest. However towards the end of the episode, one of the characters revealed their love for the other, only to be rejected. Outraged, Maxis looked up while yelling,
"What?! Why Not?!" Pinx looked up at them.
"Were you listening to it?"
Maxis felt their cheeks heat. "N-no......." they replied, attempted to conceal their outburst.

Lifting the magazine back to their face, they said, "J-just a really stupid magazine."
"And pray tell, what was so outrageous in said magazine," Pinx said. A small smile crossed her face as she crossed her arms.
"U-u-uh, K-Kaqie, uh, goooot, PREGNANT. Yeah, he's pregnant. Apparently, his best friend is the other parent."
"What's the other person's name?"
"U-u-uh, i-it doesn't say."
"Yes, it does."
"H-how would you know?"
"It's on the cover. Jamie."
"It's ok to admit that 'The Worst Show Ever Made in the History of Madrid' isn't that bad."
"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Mm-hmm. Well anyway. I'm really glad that Clar rejected Muw. I don't think they would go well together."
"What?! But the chemistry between them is Perfect!" Realizing what they just said, they hid their face in the magazine once again. "Uh, I mean, who?"
"I knew it! You do like it! Once we get out of here I'm lending you..." Her face dropped as she remembered about the building.
"Oh, yeah."
Maxis frowned and stood up. They walked over to Pinx and grabbed her hand.

"Hey, it's gonna be ok. The school board will figure out what to do."
"Yeah, but all of my stuff is gone."
"They'll figure something out. Promise."
"Ha. That's risky business. Making promises you probably won't be able to keep."
"That's what you think."
"We'll see."
She let her head fall only to realise she and Maxis were still holding hands. She gently let go and they shared an awkward laugh before Maxis returned to their bed.

When the doctor came back he put some forms with Maxis and Pinx's medical information on the end of their beds.
"Alright, well you've both had a very long day so I'm sure you're glad for lights out." Pinx and Maxis both nodded in genuine agreement. Dr. Taw straightened out her blue coat.
"Well then, goodnight and I'll see you tomorrow." They waved goodbye and shut off the television and the lights as they went.

Pinx and Maxis began to get comfortable. Pinx put the remote on the nightstand. She laid down about to fall asleep when she heard a whisper from across the room
"Goodnight." She smiled to herself and whispered back.

Word Count: 1063

Other Author:
ukulelefan334 (Go follow them!)

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