Chapter 4

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The young human was thrown back with the force of the punching bag landing on the hard gymnasium floor. Maxis immediately stepped forward to make sure she was okay.
"Ms. Alburwood? Ms. Alburwood, are you alright?"
They tried waking her but found she had been knocked unconscious. They lifted her head to make sure there was no blood. Thankfully there was none, but they still need to take her to the infirmary to confirm if she's injured. They used the landline on the wall outside the training center and called the infirmary to see if someone could bring a stretcher. Maxis went back and stayed with Pinx until someone came in case she stirred awake.

After a short amount of time, two workers from the infirmary came in with the stretcher. Maxis lifted her, placing her on gently. The workers left and Maxis flew close behind them. After a matter of minutes, they pushed through a door to a large white room with hospital beds lined vertically against the walls. Pinx was laid out on an empty bed and Maxis went to tell the nurse what had happened.

"Hello, Mx. Forast what seems to be the issue?" The nurse asked while typing something on his computer.
"Hello. I'm here for a student, Pinx Alburwood. She was knocked unconscious in the gym by a punching bag." They informed him.
"I see, we will be with her shortly. If you wish to stay, the waiting area is over there." He pointed to a blue door in the corner of the room. "If not you are free to go."
Maxis contemplated their options for a moment before deciding to stay. It would be best if someone was there when she woke up. They entered the empty waiting room and took a seat. Now all that was left to do was wait. As they waited, they picked up a random magazine and opened it. They then emerged into a world of cheesy tabloid drama as they waited for Ms. Alburwood to wake up.

About an hour or so, later, they were informed that she was awake. They set down their magazine and went to her room to check on her. As they entered the room, they saw Pinx attempting to get out of her bed, still looking around confusedly. They rushed over to help her back into bed.
"No, no, no. You're not getting out of bed."
"Permission to speak?"
"This is not a formal situation. You do not need to ask me. I am only mortal."
"Oh, er. Why can't I get out of bed?"
She stared at them blankly.
"You were knocked out for over an hour. You might have a concussion. They need to check you."
"An hour?! I need to get back to my dorm," she said, attempting to get out of bed again, only to be put back by Maxis, again.
"I'm sure you can spend a little more time here. You could have seriously hurt yourself. I don't know what you were trying to get out by punching that hard, but you need to be more careful."
"But I have to go now."
"No, you do not."
"I'm sorry, but I have school work to do. I need to get ba-"
"You will do no such thing! You are to sit on that bed until they release you! That is an order!"
Shaken, Pinx nodded her head and shut up. Maxis sighed and sat down.

Leaning on their knees they said, "Listen, I love the enthusiasm. I really do appreciate it. But the recklessness, I do not care for. You have been passed out for an hour. There is a high chance that you have a concussion. I understand you have school work to do, but it will have to wait. You have real potential to be a hunter, and I will not see that wasted on something as trivial as this."
Pinx nodded and replied, "Yes, Mx."
The nurse walked into the room with a clipboard drawing the attention of Pinx and Maxis. He began to speak to Pinx.
"Glad to see you're awake Ms. Alburwood. How are you feeling?" Pinx propped herself up on her elbows and started to talk to him.
"I feel a little bruised but otherwise okay." She sat up in her bed and started rubbing the back of her neck absentmindedly. The nurse scribbled something on a sheet of paper in front of him and continued.
"Well that's good to hear, I just need you to fill out this form with your current symptoms." He said. He handed a clipboard and pen over to her. She scanned through the list checking off 'Neck pain' and 'Dizziness'. She handed it back to the nurse and he mumbled something to himself before looking back at Pinx.
"It seems you'll probably be fine, but for safety reasons, I think you should stay the night here."
Pinx was about to object when the nurse held up a finger to hush her, knowing what she was going to say.
"If all goes well you should be able to attend classes tomorrow as long as you take it easy for the next couple of days. If you need anything I'm here."

He walked back over to his desk and resumed typing away on his computer keyboard. With this Maxis began to stand.
"Hopefully I'll be seeing you in class tomorrow, feel well soon," they stated genuinely, starting towards the door.
"Thank you by the way, for making sure I got here all right," Pinx told them. They turned back to where she was lying.
"Of course." They replied with a smile and a curt nod. However, before Maxis could leave two workers from the infirmary came bursting through carrying a stretcher with a Misc student sprawled across it.

Large bloody scratches covered their torso and a Twaryl who must've been their friend looked as if they were about to have a full-fledged panic attack. The doctors in the infirmary rushed about, shouting medical emergency codes to one another, grabbing operating tools and attaching various tubes hooked up to bags of liquid to the student's body.
"Do you know what happened to them?" The nurse questioned, slightly reaching out to the student, but pulled back upon seeing them flinch. They shook their head with tears staining their cheeks. They tried to calm their rapid breathing enough to speak. Their voice cracked as the words left their mouth.
"There's a Pixie on school grounds."

Word count: 1084

Other Author:
ukulelefan334 (Go follow them!)

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