Chapter 9

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(this chapter contains possibly triggering content. If you need to step out of the story, please do. Don't push yourself and stay safe)

"Actually," the paramedic interjected, deciding not to question everything else, "That burn looks pretty serious and it looks like an infection could be starting. You need to get to a hospital."

Stunned, Pinx backed away for a second. As she tried to process the information. Her head started to hurt slightly and she felt dizzy. As she turned, she knocked into someone. Looking up, she recognized a familiar face.

Kaled stood in front of her. Xyr face lit up and xe said, "Oh my gosh! Are you okay? This was so random. I have no idea what could have happened."
"U-uh yeah. I guess."
"Oh, did you hear, one of the kids and the Captain of the Hunters got pushed into the building because the roof collapsed? They've got people searching for them right now."
"U-uh ye-yeah we got out," she said tiredly. She rubbed her face slightly as the world started to get dizzy.
"Wait, what do," she heard as she felt her legs give out. She heard someone shout her name before she lost all consciousness.

"Pinx!" Maxis yelled as the girl went limp.
"I'm sorry Mx. Forast, I don't know what happened!" Kaled stood with a panicked look on xyr face, trying to support Pinx's body weight.
"I know, we just have to get her to a hospital."
Kaled nodded and Maxis rushed back over to the Paramedic for help.

"When will the next ambulance be here?"
"Sorry one moment." The paramedic turned away slightly from the member of faculty they were currently talking to. "A few should arrive in about 5 to 10 minutes, if you're that worried about infection then I can supply you with some bandages before they arrive."
"What? Oh no, not that. The human I was here with before just passed out." Maxis told them.
"Oh, dear!" The Paramedic exclaimed before following Maxis who was walking towards her.

Kaled was now sitting on the ground holding Pinx's hand while she was laid out on a blanket the firefighters had been handing out.
"Step aside please." The paramedic told xem. Xe stood up and backed away, almost forgetting to let go of Pinx's hand. Xe set it down gently. A worried expression rested on xyr face while xe watched the paramedic listen to her heartbeat.

"Heartbeat is stable." They announced. Both Maxis and Kaled let out a relieved sigh.
"When the ambulances arrive I'll make sure both of you are on one." The paramedic walked off and Kaled sank back down to Pinx's side.

"Are you her friend?" Maxis asked the Kohnit student on the ground beside them.
"Well not really, we had a brief conversation in your class today but that was about it. Well until about 5 minutes ago before we talked and she- well, fainted." Xe told them.
"Oh," Maxis said, slightly surprised by the reply. "I assumed you two were close, you were so worried."
"Ya, I guess it just freaked me out a little. I just wasn't expecting any of this today. I'm Kaled Banch by the way, pronouns Xe/Xyr." Xe said to xyr professor.
"Right, I remember seeing you earlier in class, nice notes by the way."
"Thanks." Kaled mentally congratulated xyrself. There was a moment of silence before a wailing siren could be heard across campus.

They both turned their heads in the direction of flashing blue and red lights.
"We've got to take her over." Maxis dropped down and lifted Pinx's legs.
"Of course." Kaled followed suit and lifted under her back and shoulders.
They made haste walking through the crowd of people over to the vehicles.
"This girl is passed out!" Kaled tried to yell over the many other voices yelling to the medical workers in the ambulances.

Maxis looked around trying to spot the paramedic from earlier. They looked to their left and saw them just arriving from their previous post across the field. Maxis and Kaled carried Pinx over to where they were.
"Hello again, you said you'd make sure we get to an ambulance, she still hasn't woken up," Maxis yelled over the surrounding voices.
"Just the people I was searching for, come with me."

They followed them through the crowd, which parted upon seeing the white coat and stethoscope.
"These two need to get on an ambulance right away." They announced to another paramedic whilst pointing between Maxis and Pinx.

The other paramedic looked over at them, back at their co-worker and gave a nod before opening the back doors. They stepped up and let down the ramp. They then pushed a bed down it and onto the grass.
"Please set them down." They ordered referring to Pinx. Maxis and Kaled did just that and once the bed had been pushed back on, Maxis hopped in as well.
"Thank you Kaled."

Maxis got those words in before the doors were shut. Kaled waved while the ambulance's sirens sounded off once again, and it drove off.

Word Count: 826

Other Author:
ukulelefan334 (Go follow them!)

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