ch.23 meeting the dark past pr.1

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Memory showing
Present showing
3rd pov

After a month

After a month of searching, heroes didn't find izuku or the villains, aizawa, gran torino, AM, GW, enji, nezu, even the students tried to track izuku.

The detective hold every cases in his hand to find izuku, her highness went to England for her safety even though she didn't want to leave Izuku.

UA build a dorm for the students to keep them safe, one day, when everyone were on the living room, thinking a way to find izuku.

They were silent, no one had a idea to find izuku, the silent continues until kaminari blust through the door while yelling "turn on the TV!!! AFO is on TV".

Aizawa quickly took the remote and turned the TV on, and highted the volume of the TV.

On the screen it show AFO sitting on a chair while saying "hello Japan, my name is AFO, I am the one who attacked UA, all might, and izuku Verde one month ago".

AFO were on all the screen of Japan, England are seeing this too since they wanted to know the change of news about izuku.

AFO continued "but today I am not here to talk about that matter, I am here to talk about this matter" as he pressed a bottom on his chair.

The screen were divided to two parts, on the right one showed AFO, but in the left, showed izuku tied up to a wooden chair, beaten to the point the his blood were coming out of his eyes, his body were all turned dark blue as his face did.

Who ever saw this wanted to vomit, which some did, izuku weakly looked up and smiled and said "smile, what's the world without smiling".

AFO snapped his finger while saying "I wonder until when you'll smile" as dabi but his hand on izuku leg that was stabbed and used his quirk to burn his leg.

"AAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!, oh god!!, that hurt, hey fried chicken, do you want me to look like you, haha, AAAAAGGGHH" As he screamed more and more from the pain.

All who saw this started to have a teary eyes, AFO snapped again as dabi stopped, AFO said "today I am not gonna do like a last month" which made everyone realise that izuku went through this everyday.

Izuku looked up and said "then what? gonna make me laugh until I tell you what do you want?", every viewer thought of what's so important so he doesn't give it even death is in front of him.

AFO chuckled and said "no actually, you see you're in front all Japan right now, so I'll make you face the same mental pain you went when you was little, I already went through your memory by one of my quirk, and now, I'll show whole Japan your childhood, by his quirk, oh I nearly forgot, you have dark things, about all might, isn't that right Mr.verde".

Izuku knew exactly what did mean by that so he yelled "No, NONONO, you can't do this AFO!!" As AFO smirked and said "but i already did" as AFO went to izuku and put a finger at izuku forhead, AFO return to his chair and snapped his finger, the screen were all showing the memories of izuku.

We see izuku but in his three years body, as he claimed to his closest, he got a notebook that written in a simple hand writing that the cover said "a possibility of personality".

Izuku said "what do you benefit from showing people me when I was soliding my daypar?"AFO replied "oh, I don't care about that, I care about what did you found".

Izuku flipped the pages until it went on page asking a question 'why dad and mom always run while saying they are going to the neighbours house for visit everytime there a villain attack, hous on fire, or bank robbery on TV?and at the end AM and GW save the situation.

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