ch.13 USJ pr.1

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Izuku pov

The next day

As I entered the class with Sophie, they didn't notice us so we set down on chairs and watched them waiting to someone notice us, 10 minutes gone and no-one notice us.

so to get there attention I pulled the trigger of my gun that was aimed to them, the gun was loaded but I didn't pulled it so it just clicked, when they heard it they all looked at us with surprise.

some kid stand up and asked, I think it was Iida "Sir, you're 10 minutes late, how can you be late to your classes, and call yourself an instructor no less an agent" I point my gun at him and said "first of all we were here from the beginning, it isn't my fault that you knuckle heads have bad eye sight, you four-eyes, and second of all, if I was a real villain all of you were be dead, and lastly".

I pulled the trigger that shot one bullet that cut his cheek as I continued "don't disrespect who are higher than you nor lower, I saw you from the camera of UA that you disrespect present mic in entrance exam, tell me do you want to be respected or do you want to be like a clown?" He was taken back by that.

from where I was sitting I heard his leg shacking, he didn't say anything for 5 seconds that gets me more annoyed so I asked  "did I stutter that you don't understand me, I didn't, didn't I?".


Finally he answered, weakly saying "n-no, sir, y-you didn't" I sight and said "what about the other question, do you want to be respected like your brother or fooled that you showed it many time?" He answered by "r-re-respected" I looked at in the eye saying "then pull yourself together and pull that stick out of your ass if you don't want to be a masochism".

some looked dumbfounded who doesn't know what does that word mean while the other looked embarrassed, he set down and I started my lesson again.

"now class, you didn't notice me when I came to class even when I didn't erase my pressure, now for our lesson you'll go to USJ with me, aizawa-sensei, all might, Green whisp, and the rescue hero:thirteen, I don't want jock, prank, dump questions, being a fan when seeing other hero or anything and more importantly don't you dare go against our teacher words, understood?!?" They said "yes sir".

before me and Sophie go out I looked at kaminari and mineta and said "both of you, if I saw you near my fiancée, or any girl that's uncomfortable with you too, I don't care if you're students or anything, I'll send you to prison for sexual harassment after I'll beat the crap out of you too" they nod, I heard some of the girls cheering when we get out from the class.

we got to principal office as I knocked I heard "come in" as we got inside, nezu looked at me and asked "what seem to be the problem Mr.verde?" I answered him "I want you and someone else to watch over her highness until I get back from USJ, can I trust you to do me this favour?" He smiled and said with pride "of course, we'll watch over her, Mr.Verde" I nod and explained to Sophie, she wanted to come but I told her she must stay for here safety.

When I started to head to where bus is waiting, I told Alfred "Alfred keep your gun loaded with regular ammo, quirk erase bullet and ten 500 S&W Magnum bullets but don't use them no matter what until you order to, I have bad feelings about this trip that why I didn't let her highness come, get ready, it maybe be him" Alfred just nod.

When I get to the bus where I saw uncle shouta, green whisp, all might and the students, no student dared to speak nor move when they saw me I started "OK, we'll headed to there now and as I said, no childish behaviour, you can go sit where ever you want, just don't be noisy" they all nod and went in the bus, the three teachers come with surprise face.

Uncle asked "what did you do that they do what they told to without complaining, and what happens to Iida cheek?" I answered him "that what happened, they say 'to be a great leader you need the trust of other', that only works for who have brains, manner, and self-awareness, they don't have it, which make it hard to earn there trust, so don't earn it, you need to take it with the best way and it's fear".

We started to enter the bus, I set down on untaken spot where no one next to me 'perfect', as I looked out side, someone asked me "Mr.verde, if you don't mind, I said what in my mind, why are you always angry at us, and why do you hate heroes and your biological family?*ribbet*".

I raised an eyebrow and replied "you see, for your first question, I don't hate you, I hate your thinking, you think quirk is what you need to be a hero, while I without I quirk proof you wrong, but you didn't got it, you think you have a weak point while in reality it's a strength point, what you think it's strength point while it's the opposite it's your weak point".

everyone attention was on our conversation, she raised an eyebrow and asked "can you explain I didn't understand well" I chuckled a little.

"pardon my rudness, let us take an example shall we?, for example tokoyami weak point is light, but in reality it's a control point since his quirk feast on dark it make him strong, but too strong, which make him lose control of his quirk, his quirk type make him harder to control since his quirk have his own mind, so if he want to control his quirk he need light wich make it from weak point to strength point, isn't that right tokoyami?".

He replied "you hit the bullseye,Mr.verde", I chucled a little and turned to asui amd asked "do you get it now, quirk is complexes, you need to know what is really your weak point and strength point, not you but for all of you, make this a lesson, quirk doesn't exactly have weak point, strength point, it's what do you choose to make it those points".

As I continued "for your other questions, it's easy to say 'one shall never meet there idol, they never live up on your expectations' that what happened, I knew my parents were heroes since I was three years old, they didn't know, my father is my idol and my mother were my heroine who I admired the most, but as everything have to come to an end, mine wasn't suppose to end and it didn't, mine was crushed by how I thought someone will save me, by how I thought heroes will save me, by how I thought my parents will save me, but do you know what was worst? It wasn't that my only friends didn't show there face but there back to me, it wasn't that my only friend started to torture me till death, it wasn't that my only sister, my only sibling, my only one who we share the same blood told me to kill myself, no,no, the worst thing was a promise that have the same value as rubbish to my family, so tell me, do you think it was fair for four years old child live a life of dead, a life that was too soon for that child, if it too soon then world had another idea for me, I think this answer your questions".

No one talked, no one made a noise, nothing was heard except crying from inko and izumi 'they deserve worst' I thought, when we arrived, we got inside and the students listened to thirteen, until kirishima said "wow, they even got fake villain".

As we turned to see a purple warp that made of smoke, then someone came said "all might we came here to kill you, and make answer your crime, get ready to perish".

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