ch.4 order and punishment

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Maseru pov

I had enough of this brat, I look over to the other and they paralysed, I sigh and said " tedective...... what I did, does it count as a child abuse" he replied by " y-yes, and far to brutal" "brats" they flinch, they never thought of me cursing " as a detective said what I did in a minute count as a child abuse I have to take consequences of my actions, tell me how will you take your responsibility" they kept quiet no-one talked I mumbled something out loud that everyone heard "cowards" "brats, listen and listen well because I will not repeat what I said, understand?!" They flinch and nob quickly as I continued my talking " if I ever heard of you, If I ever sees you, if I ever caught you do something that I regret for not hit you harder, I will disowning you, and you will send to orphan" as I finish my talking all eyes were on wide open, when someone said something that I was annoyed just by that person " maseru-san l-let's talk about thi-" " SHUT IT YAGI " He couldn't even finish his sentence when I cut him off, I turned to everyone and bowed, they were surprised by my action, then I spoke " to who truly care for izuku, I am sorry that my brats were caused this mess, yagi's, you're no longer welcome in my house, nether do i want your daughter in my house nor do I any of you in my house!!" They looked shamed 'good' I turned to face the lest of people, I said to them " enji-san I don't know what are you going to your children, and I don't care, but please make them in the right path, tedective, nezu, recovery girl, and gran torino again, I am sorry and hope to make these.......mistakes right again, now before I forget let's open up our letters and find out where izuku is" they nob in understanding and we started to open our letters.

3d person  pov

The first one was the bakugou's and it was for thanking them with everything they did to him and he told them what katsuki and katsumi, and want give them something bad he didn't have anything to give to them, The second one to the todoroki's, he talked about how they supported him when he didn't have anyone he talked about how shoto and shoka treated him, the third and the fourth were the same, but he talked all in his life, but for enji and shouta and gran tourino he gave them the 13 notebooks, he told them protect them and use them, he said he really want to play chess with nezu since his IQ is 437 and nezu iz 448, he said when he was 6 he did IQ test and it was 360, that keep getting nezu interesting more and then took one of the book and readed it out loud, he said:

Hero name: endeavour
Civil name: enji todoroki
Guirk name: hell flame
How to defeat: his flame decrease in cold places, can't use his flame very well in places the contain flammable gas he can't use his quirk which read to be his loss in group fight
How to kill: his quirk is fire element quirk, the fuel of fire is oxygen, trap him in a place with less oxygen like cage that gas doesn't exchange and he will die between 30-60 sec.

Nezu pov

When nezu finish his reading, I said " take every book and studied it between us pro hero, this information must never go out of here, thank God he gave this to us, if he wants revenge from his parents then we were doomed, yagi's, katsuki, katsumi, shoto, shoka, tell me, were you aware of this" the parent shook there head to no, the children nob they then saying " we-we thought that he is nerd that is nothing but a trash" nezu stare at them like some kind idiots (which they are) " are kidding with me?? This is the only thing that any villain need to control not japan but the world, we need to find that kid before anyone find him before us, if they find him before us we are dead meat" GT interfere him by saying "you don't need to panic, look" give him his letter reading he sight of relief " that kis is good, better than I thought, in the note wrote " if you want to track me nezu you don't need to, I am in safe hands, will, any hands better than my ex-family here, and don't worry no villain will get to me, ciao", nezu set up with pissed face tower the sorce for all of this, he then said leaving no room to argue " toshinori you will be doing 10-15 years civilian services, you and your wife, to you children......15-25 years civilian services and can't join UA with recommendations, you must take the regular exam, if you pass and went to UA, you will always have someone watch you and the 5 of you will have a psychological or therapist every 2 day, no I will take my leave with these books that can destroy hero society with a sec, and hope you understand now that you didn't just lost a son, a friend, or a brother, you just lost a powerful ally that his alliance is way better than what I can, Goodbye and hope you understand what have you done" with every person return to there house while the kids will are preparing them self to be killed.

Hope you like till here since I will return to izuku

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