Me: Don't move!

???: Thanks for the safe Eraserhead.

This surprised me so much that I stopped in track. My eyes wide open I looked at him confused.

Me: You know me?

???: You and Nezu are my favorite heroes!

I saw his eyes glittering a little bit and then I remembered again that he was injured and by his voice also very weak. He was barely audible. Every word came out as a whisper.

Me: Kid, don't talk for now, just stay awake for me.

He immediately got the message and nodded.

I began running again and even picked up some more speed that I didn't even know I had. From time to time, I looked at the boy in my hand. He was really silent and he was not staring at me. Instead, he was looking in the direction I was running.

So obedient.

Not like the bastards I teach on a daily basis. If UA only had more kids like you! Thankfully I didn't have to teach them for long!

HAH expelled them all!

Serves them right if they don't want to listen!

Why do I have the feeling that this is a problem child on a whole other level!

It took me a solid 15 minutes to get to UA and then to the infirmary. The moment I landed on the school ground I looked at him and our eyes met. He had such brilliant emerald green eyes.

???: You can put me down. I can walk.

Me: Not happening kid.

Recovery Girl, Nezu and Mic were already waiting in the infirmary for him. Once I entered, I laid him down on a bed and he looked at us apologetic.

???: I am sorry to cause you so much trouble.

Nezu: Don't say that Izuku. We were all worried about you cause we care.

So his name is Izuku.

Izuku: How can you care for someone you just meet. All I can think of is that you only did your job as a pro.

Recovery Girl: Can I check you up?

Izuku: You don't need to if you don't want to. Besides I know how to patch myself up rather good.

That is out of the question, problem child!

Recovery Girl: Well it would be my pleasure.

Nezu: Izu, I will let you be with Recovery Girl for a moment alone, I have something important I need to talk with these two.

Izuku: Okay.

With that me, Mic and Nezu exited the room and we were standing in front of the infirmary. Once glance at my husband and I knew that he was in and knew what Nezu wanted to tell us. I was the only one left in the darkness but I had a pretty good feeling what it was about.

Nezu: I wanted to ask you guys if you could adopt him.

Me: Yes of course!

I had a feeling that he would not be such a bother and not as annoying like every other kid.

Mic: You sure Sho?

Me: Yes, why?

What's the big deal?

I already said yes!

Mic: Every time I came up with the idea of adopting a child you only said they were annoying and bothersome.

Me: They are but not this one!

Nezu: He is quite different, isn't he?

Me: Yeah.

Mic: Well, I'm in!

Me: What happened to his parents?

Nezu: Oh don't worry about them. Once I am finished, they would wish to see the daylight again.

I looked at him and his evil grin he had in his face, confusion written all over it.

Mic: Believe me she deserved it!

So it's the mother.

She deserves to rot in hell!

Quirkless doesn't mean he was useless!

He is still a human being too!

Before Mic could tell me anything more, the door opened and Recovery Girl came out.

Reocvery Girl: Where did you find him?

Me: He was hanging from a railing by his collar from an 8-story building.


Nezu: How?

Me: I don't know, I found him with closed eyes and praying. Whoever put him there wanted for him to die and make it look like a suicide.

I swear to god, if I find that person, I will hang them there myself!

How come no one reacted to a child hanging above the ground on a roof and blood dripping down?

Nezu: Did he say anything to you?

Me: No beside the fact that he recognized me.

Nezu: Ah yes, he is quite fond of us both.

Me: I could hear that.

Nezu: How is he doing?

Recovery Girl: He had some pretty deep wounds that looked like they came from a whip. His body is littered in burns, small cuts and bruises. What I didn't found where any self-inflicted wounds. Beside the fact that he was beaten up on a daily basis and didn't get much food, there was nothing new to him.

Nezu: *Exhale* That are good news in some kind of way.

Aizawa: I agree.

Mic: He still didn't give up on life at least!

Recovery Girl: Well I treated all his injures and he is sleeping at the moment. I don't think that he will wake up very soon, so you can leave him here for the night and I will watch over him.

Mic + Aizawa + Nezu: Thank you!

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