chapter 20 | halloween party

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 Electronic dance music booms from inside of 'Kari's Karaoke,' the bass and a select few vocals the only audible sound

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Electronic dance music booms from inside of 'Kari's Karaoke,' the bass and a select few vocals the only audible sound. You gulp, glancing over to Yoongi form beside of you. Just from looking on the outside, you already feel your costume sticking to your skin and a cold sweat dripping down your brow.

"H- How many people are in there again?" You say, straining your voice. Yoongi purses his lips, staring straight ahead at the select few people walking through the glass door. He laces his fingers through yours, gripping your hand in reassurance.

After realizing he likely isn't going to reply, you follow as he leads you to the door. His black hair swishes with each movement, eyes narrowed and focused on taking you to the party. Tugging you through the doors, glaring at the counter guy, and lastly, arriving to the main room, your eyes meet with a large crowd of bustling people.

A fuzzy cloudiness coats your vision at the loads of people dancing and moving around inside of the main room. You and Yoongi stand idly by the archway, and you glance around nervously whilst grabbing his gloved hand.

"This place sure is overflowing with people," he mutters, looking your way. "Stay with me and you'll be fine, I promise."

Swallowing dryly, you follow him again as he takes you to a nearby table. You trudge through the crowd, twisting and turning to avoid any direct contact with a stray college student as they laugh obnoxiously and talk amongst each other in clumps. You clamp your hand as firmly as possible on Yoongi's, terrified you'll lose him.

Your eyes focus on an empty table growing nearer, a sigh of relief threatening to escape your lips at the sight. Yoongi sits you down, slipping his hand from yours as he pulls up a chair to sit close to you.

"Where did they even go?" you croak, tears pricking your eyes at the overwhelming thumping of dance music and the scent of alcohol lingering over hundreds of college kids. "They sort of just abandoned us once we got here."

"They must've saw a friend," he says in thought. "Some blonde woman, if I recall correctly."

Somehow, watching him stroke his chin in though while black fuzzy cat ears sit upon his head lessens your nerves. You constantly fight back the urge to ask him if he'll use his powers or something to get you to not freak out.

"I know what your thinking, (Y/N)."

'It seems like he always does.'

"A little alcohol does similar to what my powers can."

'Wait, what.'

Your mouth hangs agape in shock. 'Is this the Yoongi I know?'

"Alcohol?" You say in disbelief, and Yoongi stands up. You copy his actions. "Yoongi.."

You watch him in shock as he grins, gesturing his head to the bar. "Come on."

"O.. Okay," you mutter, choosing to nervously tail him though the crowd. He doesn't hold your hand this time, but at the very least he doesn't leave you to go get drinks himself.

Talking to the Moon | Yoongi ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora