*analysis + c.c.

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[analysis + constructive criticism]

hello, again!

writing an analysis of the overall plot, story, and concepts along with an analysis of the writing along with constructive criticism is just a personal thing i do after books, but feel free to read further if you need an explanation of what exactly this book meant.

i do this to establish my (very obvious) mistakes whilst writing this book that i realized while reading over it, for the purpose of furthermore improving future books and works.

if you are interested in an explanation, please continue reading! if not, you may click away :) i appreciate your attention given to this book.

[story analysis]

first, let's establish the overall theme.

no matter what physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, religious or basically any barrier is between us, we, as beings of realization and consciousness, are objectively equal. the fact we are simply the universe experiencing itself is enough to give us all he same amount of placement and worth as the other.

to make it simple, all of us are equal above anything else.

as you may have been able to tell, a reoccurring theme in this book was the phrase "so, so different. yet, exactly the same." or something like that. i wanted this idea to be reinforced continuously throughout the book, and i hope that by the end, readers got the idea.

there were also other themes established, such as the youth within yoongi and the protagonist's relationship.

the issue residing within yoongi was his guilt for the death of a boy back in the 1800s after he made the grave mistake of siring him.

if you don't know, in this book, celestial beings can sire humans by establishing a connection with the human by at least interacting with them, and then, furthermore, connecting their energies. yoongi forced his energy to plague the boy jonathan's, overwhelming him and leading him to boast to other people of his proclaimed love for yoongi. being the homophobic shits they are, they obviously hung him in front of the entire town.

what meeting (y/n) did for yoongi is that she allowed him to look within himself, and realize he was already forgiven for this long ago (which he realizes at the end). the fact alone that (y/n) could love him youthfully and blindly and still love him even after he explained jonathan's death was enough for him to be at ease. after he came to this epiphany and reached a sense of forgiveness within himself, "God" allowed him to come back down to earth to (y/n). that was the unspoken exception the Creator never spoke about after punishing yoongi with a time limit.

youth, speaking of, is something i wanted to bring up in this story a lot too. (y/n), at the age of 20, is like yoongi at his first years being the moon. this is because she's a reflection of him. reflections of the seven celestial sentiments exist to balance out cosmic forces. i stated before that humans in general are reflections of the sentiments, which is true, but these specific reflections, such as (y/n) and megan, exist just for each sentiment. they are generational and come every 500 years.

so, are there more reflections (specific ones)?

yes, but yoongi never found them. (y/n) was the first. it's a big part of why he grew to love her, though he sees her traits as her own traits, not his.

the change that occurred within (y/n) had a lot to do with her empathy, which, if you've been following along, is the "sentiment" of yoongi, the moon. yoongi's core emotion that basically defines who he is is empathy, and (y/n), being his reflection, carries this trait heavily.

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