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Chapter Fourteen

Still with Elena's POV

11 years later

''And that is how your dad and I got together. Because of that one date your aunt M forced me to go to.'' I said

''YOU ALMOST SHOOT DAD?!?'' Andre, my 10-year-old son asked.

I nodded my head yes and laughed at his shocked face.

''Just be glad that he explained everything in advance because neither him, nor you would exist.'' I said giggling remembering of the events.

Liam and I got married a year after I resaw my mom. Sadly, dad's surgery didn't go well. He passed. It has been hard on mom, but she is still happy that she got me.

Liam and I had Andre who is a very intelligent boy. He is good at keeping secrets but not from me. He has also been training hard to be the next mafia boss. I kept telling him that he is young and that he will have time, but he still does it anyway. He is only punching stuff. I'll let him play with guns once he turns 13. He is so excited that he has been counting the days.

Yes, his school called us many times because he fought, but Liam and I did not give a damn. He always wins. And if he didn't we would simply give him some advice. He sometimes beat  adults too.

I finally graduated culinary school and became a successful chef. Liam and I are now co-owners of a restaurant.

''Is aunty M coming tomorrow?'' Andre asked.

''Yes, after you are done with school.'' I replied

We were in his room when his dad walked in.

''Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?'' he asked his son.

''Yes but, mom was telling me a story about how you two met.'' Andre answered.

He looked at me.

''Oh, did she now?'' he asked giving me a smirk.

Andre nodded his head yes. I gave him a kiss on his for head and so did Liam.

''Good night Andy.'' Liam and I said.

''Night, mama. Night, dad.'' He answered.

First, decided to make some at-home rice crispies. We left some for Andre to have at school the next day. Then, we decided to watch some YouTube because we always watch movies, and we were kind of getting sick of it. Plus, Andre always stays up and plays with the punching bag.

''Hey, thanks.'' Liam said out of the blue.

''Yeah, it's no problem. I did help you upgrade your cooking skills.'' I said and we both laughed.

''El, I am serious. Thanks for giving me a chance even though I mistreated you at first. And for Andre'' He said.

''Do not worry about it. I have forgiven you. And I should be the one thanking you for paying dad's surgery even if it didn't work out like we expected. But I have my ways to get you back.'' I said.

''Really?'' he asked.

''Yeah, don't mess with the mafia's wife. I heard that she is really dangerous.'' I said, we laughed then we kissed.

''I love you, mafia's wife.'' He said then we both laughed.

''I love you too, my mafia chef.''


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