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Chapter One

I was just in my room scrolling through social media when my roommate called me.

''Hey, Elena, come down here. Diner is ready.'' Said Mia (A.K.A: M)

''Yeah, I'm coming.''

Mia is my best friend since preschool. We just looked at each other and instantly connected. We now live together. We have always looked out for one another and she has become the sister I never had. I am an only child, and she is in a family of 6 without including the parents.

If it wasn't for M, I would have never become the person that I am today. I had a bad childhood. My mom (Gloriana Wilson) died after a car accident. I was five throwing a tantrum and my mom was driving the car.

 She was constantly looking back at me loosing focus on the road. We got hit by a car. I was lucky but, she wasn't at all. And my dad (Charles Wilson) always hated me for that. My dad always made me starve if he had a ''bad day'' which was 25/8. But Mia helped me through it all.

But I do not regret it. Because of my childhood, I am a strong independent woman who likes to fight. But my dating life wasn't existent at all. Boys are too scared of me. And I don't talk about my feelings that easy. But let's get back to the story, shall we?

I went downstairs and I see M on the table eating some spaghetti.

''Not to complain, but why is it that, every time it is your day to cook you only do spaghetti?'' I spoke.

''Well, I am not a chef like you El.'' She spoke.

''I am not a chef YET. I need to finish culinary school. And then I will open my ow-''

''Your own restaurant, you told me ten trillion times already.'' M cut me off.

''Anyways how is designer school?'' I asked her.

''It's going. Hey, remember when you came to my school, I introduced you to a guy? Mike?''

''M spit it?'' I demanded.

''Well, he wants to go out with you. You know he wants to get to know you and all.'' she said

''No'' I simply said even if I knew that I will never hear the end of it.

''Oh, come on El you need to start to go out. You can't stay single for the rest of your life.'' She said.

''Watch me'' I said.

''El come on...''.

And after minutes and minutes of constant nagging from M. saying that I need to at least give it a try even though I told her that I will be hard for me to open up to someone, I finally gave up and accepted to go on a date with the dude. Sorry I mean Mike.  

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