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Chapter Six

Liam's POV

The next day when I woke up. I went straight to my computer to see if Peter had sent me anything. And as usual I had an email from him waiting for me.




Elena Gloriana Wilson


1646 Florence street


Went on a date the day before she ''went on a vacation''


Male: no

Female: yes


Date of birth: 12/16/1991

Age: 18

Place of birth and personality:

Nationality: American

Principal language: English

Favorite color: yellow, black, and white

Likes: fighting, cooking

Dislikes: bullies, idiots, and her dad


Used to work at ''Liam's cook''


Christian but not a strong believer

Family member:

Who she trust: Mia Carlena and Mia's family

Who she hates: her dad

Parents name:

· Gloriana Wilson (mother)

· Charles Wilson (father)


After a car accident, Gloriana Wilson died in a car crash while Elena was in the car. For some reason, Charles Wilson became an alcoholic and mistreated Elena. With the help of Mia and her family, she made it through it all.


Her parents name – especially her mother's-- just rang a bell in my head. I went through some documents and found Elena's parent's name. What I found shocked me. I don't even know why I am feeling a little sad for her. ''I do not care for her. I mean she is a little cute, but I still do not care for her'' I kept telling myself. Anyways, I closed my computer and got ready for the day. It was 10am and I went to her room. To my surprise she was wide awake. I would have thought that she would still be asleep. Because of her crying last night. I got in her room she was already ready.

''Ready for your first day of training?'' I asked.

''Will I go home right after?'' she replied with a question.

I decided to ignore it.

''Come and follow me to the cold room. You should know where it is, you woke up there.'' I said with a smirk on my face.

She just rolled her eyes and went in front of me and got to the cold room.

Elena's POV

While waiting for Liam in the ''cold room'', I got time to observe the room. It was in a metal blue, very shiny. There were guns on every table with labels on them. In the center on the room were, kind of like dummies in human form on a stick with targets on them. On the left side of the room was a blue sofa with red pillows. And on the corner right side of the room was a yellow boxing ring with yellow boxing gloves, yellow shoes, and white dummies. Liam got in the room.

''You know you need help with color décor. Because this color mix and match is not it'' I said.

''HA, HA, HA very funny. I might though. But that is not your problem today. Today you have to learn how to use a gun. So, all you have to do is take that gun and hit the center of th-''

Before he even finished sentence, I took the biggest gun, loaded it, and shoot at least five dummies. Liam looked at me with a shocked face.

''A lot of time on YouTube and social media learning and seeing how guns work helps a lot.''

''Fine then'' he said. ''Put on the clothes that are inside the boxing ring along with the shoes. When you are done changing just hit one of the buttons from the corners. I will then come back in the room.''

''Bye now'' I said while pointing the door.

He scoffed and left waiting on the other side of the door. I got in the ring and changed. It was all yellow. Yellow boxing ring, yellow shoes, yellow sports bra, yellow hair tie, yellow gloves, yellow shorts. ''He knows that my favorite color is yellow, I guess. But he hates me. I did not do a marvelous first impression. So, why did do this? Maybe so I can feel comfortable? Anyways, looks like I am going to be here for a long time.'' I thought to myself.

I put on everything, except the gloves, and pressed on the button. He came in with a buffed guy dressed in black. The buffed guy came in the ring and got in a corner. I was frozen in shock. But I slowly gained control back and got on the opposite corner.

''El, th-'' he started.

''Elena to you'' I corrected him

He rolled his eyes.

''This is Jermy, he is the strongest man we have here. From his records, he put everyone he's fought in a hospital bed. Since you love to fight, and since it will be considered a training lesson, I am going to make a deal with you. If you put Jermy on the ground for 3 seconds or more, which you won't, I will leave you a schedule to go enjoy yourself outside and wander in the house. BUT when he puts you on the ground for let's say 5 seconds. You WILL respect me and stay in your room all day, every day. Deal?'' he said

I felt my palms sweating. It took me a minute to process it all, but I got off the ring went in front of Liam put my hand out.


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