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Chat Noir groaned as he got up from the street floor. He had no idea what just happened. One second he had been chatting with Ladybug during a battle against an akumatized villain, and the next he was, well... wherever he was. 

"Claws in." The small black kwami slowly fell into his hands. "Plagg, where are we?" Adrien asked, obviously very confused as to what had happened.

Plagg looked around for a few seconds and answered. "In Paris? Don't you see the Eiffel Tower kid?" Then he proceeded to dig in Adrien's shirt for some cheese. Of course the first thing Plagg was going to do was eat camembert.

Adrien looked up, and there was the all-mighty Eiffel Tower. "But if we're still in Paris then what happened?" Something must have changed. He was sure of it.

Then the thought came to his mind. He gasped. "Where's Ladybug!?" 

"Why do you think I, of all people, know?" Plagg whined.

Adrien groaned. "I'm being serious! At least give me some ideas, Plagg!"

Plagg ate a gooey piece of camembert all in one bite. "She's probably here too, she also must have de-transformed like you in order to appear more normal." Plagg paused for a second, then added "Didn't the villain say you were to be sent with her?"

Adrien let out a relieving sigh. "Okay. So all we have to do is find her?" 

"And how do you expect to do that when neither of you are able to transform?" The kwami began. "It would be a risk to do so because we don't know where- or better when we are." He informed.

"You have a point. I'll just ask someone today's date, and I can work from there." Adrien beamed. Afterwards, he walked toward a group of four kids. 

"Hi! Do you mind telling me what day today is?" He asked.

"It's May 14th, 2047." A kid wearing a red hat answered Adrien, who was a stranger to them. He began talking to Adrien about a videogame the teen boy had never heard of. 

Meanwhile, one of the kids, around six or seven probably, looked at him weird. As if he had seen him somewhere before. He tugged on another kid's shirt and whispered something. The other kid turned to look at Adrien and gasped loudly.

"Is there anything wrong?" Adrien asked the two kids. They looked alike, probably siblings. They both had dark hair but one had green eyes and one had blue ones.

The older looking one, probably around thirteen years old asked Adrien a question that sounded like his life depended on it by the tone of his voice. "What's your name?"

Adrien hesitated, then remembered they probably didn't know him since they were from the future. "I'm Adrien, Adrien Agreste." He held out his hand. 

What happened next was very unexpected-- All four of the kids that had been talking to Adrien and each other stopped. They all gasped at the same time. Adrien wondered why they were acting so weird. Before he even got a chance to ask, the green-eyed boy took Adrien's hand and dragged him with them.

"Follow me!" He yelled, as if Adrien hadn't been right behind him.

Adrien had never been more confused in his entire life. "Hey wait, what's your name!" 

"I'm Hugo." The kid holding onto Adrien said. "And that's my little brother, Louis!" He was probably referring to the smaller kid with the blue eyes. 


Marinette walked towards the bakery. It looked about the same as when she last saw it that morning, when she left for school. Right as she was about to walk in, she bumped into a young girl who was just coming out of the bakery. 

"Oh I'm so sorry!" Marinette said, smiling at the girl. 'This girl looks a lot like Adrien,' she chuckled to herself as she helped her up.

Marinette expected the girl to say something, like 'Thank you' or 'Hello'. But nothing came out of the kid's mouth. She also noticed there was another girl with her. They looked about the same age, maybe around eleven years old. The girl she had bumped into had blonde hair and green eyes. No wonder she reminded her of Adrien. She looked like she had just seen a ghost.

"Are you okay?" Marinette asked, waving her hand in front of the girl's face.

Out of nowhere, she asked. "Is your name Marinette?"

Marinette's heart skipped a beat. She had arrived in this alternate universe or something and someone already knew who she was. 'Great ' she thought. Did this mean they knew her identity? How could they possibly know who she is? 

She took a deep breath and assured herself that everything was fine.

Marinette struggled to find words. "I- uh yes?" It ended up sounding more like a question rather than a statement. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

Both girls gasped, looked at each other, looked back at Marinette and then yelled in chorus. "NO WAY!" They kept looking at each other, and then back at her. Marinette wonder what they were so excited about. Did they know her or something?

The girl with the brown, curly hair explained. "I'm Alianna, and this is Emma."

Before Marinette had a chance to say anything, the blonde girl introduced herself with her full name. "I'm Emma Agreste!" She had a smirk on her face as if she knew what Marinette's reaction would be. 

Now it was Marinette's turn to be surprised. Okay, so maybe everything wasn't fine. 

"WHAT?!" She covered her mouth. She didn't mean to say it that loud but, no wonder she reminded her of Adrien! Was she his cousin or something? No, Adrien's only cousin was older, and he wasn't even a girl. 

Emma continued. "You know, Emma Agreste, top of the class and Alianna's best friend. Not to mention very successful parents."

Alianna turned to Emma with a worried yet excited expression. "Do you think she's your..." But she didn't need to finish as if Emma knew what she was going to say. She nodded, and Alianna nodded back. Then they looked up at Marinette.

"Come with us! We want to show you something." Alianna said while Emma grabbed her hand and led her through the streets of Paris. Marinette hadn't even said anything but there she was, being led away by two kids she had never seen before.

After a few minutes of Walking, they reached this street of houses. 'It's so nice!' Marinette thought. She definitely wanted to live in a house like these when she was older. The houses were different colors, flowerpots everywhere and just a cute vibe that reminded her of her bedroom.

As they approached a house, a group of kids came out of a corner. She looked at them and gasped. 

Was that... Adrien?

Adrien noticed the three girls right away when he turned the corner. But one of them almost made him jump.

What was Marinette doing in that alternate universe with him?



This part is one of the most confusing ones. It includes so much funny conversation between the characters (not to mention excitement) and it's hilarious. 

Can you guess who the children are? ;)

~Hope you enjoyed this part as much as I did!~

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