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"Asta.. Stay back.." Sayaka paused. "Noelle!! Leo!! Put that kid in the safest place!! Did you see a blue fire shield?"


"Go there and arrange the people there!!"

"Roger!!"Noelle and Leopold ran.

"Let me help you!!" Asta said.

"Asta... Listen to me.. Follow the two and save people first."


"Blue fire magic..."her grimoire opened and she continued her chanting.

"Blue flames... strike to the dead!!"

"N--nani?!!!" the enemy was shocked.

The blue flames defeated many zombies especially all the enemies.

Sayaka's eyes became blue fire, her whole body was covered by fire, then she placed her katana on his neck.

"Wait.. what was that??"Nebra asked.

"Is it from Sayaka?" Solid asked.

"Sayaka it is.." Nozel said.

"She should've joined our squad..."Sol said.

"She's pretty strong.." Charlotte smiled.

"Well done.. " Fuegoleon suddenly appeared behind Sayaka.

Sayaka calmed down and said.

"I need to kill.."

"No.. Let me take here.. Just look for the others.."


Sayaka ran to the Central District and she suddenly saw the Silver Eagles. Nozel, Solid and Nebra.

"Yow.." Sayaka waved at them.

"Is that the assistant of Captain Yami?!!"

"She's so cool!!"

"Wait is she the reason of these flames just now??"

"Yes!! She's so cool right?!!!"

"How are you two..?" Sayaka asked.

"Sayaka.." Solid hugged her.

"Nice final blow, Sayaka.." Nebra smiled.

"You did a great job too.. Nebra.."

"Oi.. Nozel-oneesama." Solid called him.

"Why you're not talking??" Nebra asked.

"Don't mind him Sayaka.. He's just being cute.."

"Yeah.. Solid is right.."

"It's okay.. I think I've done something... Well then.. See---"

Suddenly Sayaka and Yuno's grimoire is using its detecting mana.

"Wait.. don't tell me---"

The four suddenly fell into a dark spatial magic, along with the other magic knights. Nozel ran to Sayaka and wrapped his arms around her, she just blinked.

When Sayaka suddenly opened her eyes.


"So.. It's not just us.."

Sayaka just blushed, and said.



No Matter What Happens, I'll Never Let You Go (Nacht X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora