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Well...this happened.

Screw all my mental planning, my Discord planning, my rambling planning. My brain said I should do this right now and so I did.

Never mind that I have a physics lab report due today and a dozen other pending uni work. Never mind that I have three ongoing poetry collections that I need to update any time soon. Never mind that I have two instagram gigs that I've completely left behind now.

Never mind all those things because when my brain says POETRY TIME, it's POETRY TIME.

So...poetry time.

This collection, as an extension for A Symphony of Stars, A Cacophony of Wishes (it's getting pretty tiring to type this whole title thing out. What are you thinking, brain?), will be a trash bin of all my extra poems written in the course of me writing the one-poem-a-day challenge that nobody cares about.

Because, as a certain mentally exhausted person (cough, me) says, ya can't have too much poetry.

If you think this foreword is all over the place you must know three things:

1. I wrote this right after a long day of zoom meetings masquerading as classes.
2. I am mentally exhausted and tired of life's sheets.
3. "All over the place" is the theme of this collection.

I know, right? Amazing.


Consider this as a pet project that I feed even though I have bigger projects that I must do. Yes,  I am alright.


Well, there you have it. Uh... checks notes

Have fun and together, let's laugh at the succeeding poems that are the current state of my personal well-being.

No long titles, this time.



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