8 | i dared

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I dared to dream
—to reach for the
farthest star
beyond my fingers
that's why
my bones broke
when I fell into
the shattered spikes
of my own dreams

I dared to love
—to grasp the meaning
of life
in my hands
that's why
my hands bled
when the barbed wires
slipped out
of my palms
as I held on

I dared to live
—to find my purpose
in this cold world
that's why my soul
is in shreds
when I threw it
out in the open

I dared to hope
—to try and rest
upon the good
nowhere to be found
in this cruel land
that's why
my feet are sore
from treading the path
full of endless
toil and sorrow

I dared
—I dared to show
the world I exist
—I dared to be
who I am
without guilt

That is why
I was hurt
and I hurt

april 17, 2021

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