"You really did read chapter 139 during class." Akisha say.

"Yeah, I got bored on that one topic." I say.

~Timeskip to the house~

"We're back." I say as I enter the house.

"Sup, were watching a movie." Matthew says as I see everyone watching a movie.

"How are they not freaking out?" I ask him calmly as I put all the food in the kitchen.

"I've already explained it to them, took some time to ge-" Matthew was then interrupted by Annie and Ymir shushing him.

"Sorry." Matthew says as he walks to the kitchen.

"What's for dinner?" He asks.

"Sushis." I say.

"Woah? Really?" He says.

"Yup, got it for below 3000 dollars." I say.

"What kind though?" He asks.

"Californian Rolls, Ehomaki, and Tekkamaki." I say.

"Got enough for Sasha?" He asks.

"Yeah, we think so." Pieck said entering the conversation.

"I wish I got to see it, seeing you two grocery shopping like a married couple." He says teasing us.

"Oi-" Me and Pieck say before Annie shushes us.

"Sorry." Me and Pieck say.

"Okay, so I'll get to cooking." Pieck says.

"I'll help you during it." I say.

"What do I do first?" She asks.

"Get the ingredients of course." I say.

"Oh yeah." She says as both of us laugh and Matthew went back to his seat.


"Alright, we got 69 Californian Rolls, 69 Ehomakis, and 69 Tekkamakis." I say.

"696969." Henry, Matthew, and Akisha says as all of us share a laugh except for Pieck which was left confused.

"I'll get this to the dining table and once we're finished, Henry shout them to come." I say as I grab a plate and Henry nodded.

"Piecky, please grab a plate and demand one of them to grab the other." I say.

"Heh, okay, Akisha, get that one." Pieck says grabbing a plate of Ehomaki.

"Oki." She says grabbing the Tekkamaki.

We then walked to the dining table and placed the plates on the middle and grabbed 26 dining plates.

"Why does our family have so many plates?" Winona asked as I was placing the plates.

"I don't know." I say.

"Welp, we should thank them, I'm quite excited for the future with the AoT Cast." Winona said.

"I'm excited too." I say smiling like an idiot.

"Baka." I heard Winona say.

"Oi." I say as both of us laugh.

"Dinner is ready!!" Henry shouted and heard a lot of footsteps coming towards us.

"What's that?" Levi asked as all of them entered.

"Sushi! Japa- oi Sasha, give some to the others." I say.

"Okay." Sasha said as she sat on her chair and stared at the food.

"So, get as much as you want." Matthew said as he grabbed 10 from the Tekkamaki.

"Oi!" I say as I get 10 from the Californian Rolls.

"Me too!" Pieck said grabbing 5 from the Californian Rolls.


"That was good!" Pieck said as all of the food was eaten.

"Right?! And you cooked this!" I say which made Pieck blush.

"Pieck-chan? You cooked this?" Zeke said.

And Pieck nodded in response.

"This is good, glad you finally have a supporting boyfriend!" Porco said which made both of us freeze.

"O-oh, were not there yet." I say nervously scratching the back of my head.

"Yet." Everyone said.

"Everyone supports it?!?!?" Pieck said.

"Yeah." Sasha said in unison with Connie and Jean.

"Tsukareta" Pieck said.
(I'm pooped)

"I never knew you could cook." Annie said.

"Y/N helped me with it." Pieck said.

"Even though, it's still good." Petra said.

"Also, I didn't get to ask all of you guys, what do you think of this world?" I ask them.

"Wonderful/it's great!" Pieck, Historia, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Sasha, Connie, Jean, Petra, Gunther, Eld, Oluo, Hanji, Erwin, Bertholdt said.

"It's alright." Ymir, Annie, Levi, Reiner, Zeke, and Porco said.

"Anyways, who's down to play some house games?" Henry said.

"Me!" Everyone said except for Annie, Ymir, and Levi.

"Okay, let's get in the living room." I said.

"I'm excited!" Pieck says giggling then clinged on my arm.

"Me too!" I say.


THANK CHUUU SO MUUUUUCH FOOR ALLLLLL THE SUPPORT, NOW I NEED YALL TO LISTEN TO THIS. So next week Monday-Friday, I can't use my phone due to the tests, meaning that there will be no chapters, and about Yelena, I still haven't done where or when she will appear, but yeah, back to ranting, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 4.51K READS AND 289 VOTES, THANK UUUU, THANKS YALL SO MUCH AND SEE YALL NEXT CHAPTAH 🥺💛🥺🧡💚🧡💜✨💗✨💛🥺💜✨✨✨💚🖤🎉

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