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Phil POV

His soft lips on mine, feeling wonder full as we move our lips in a dance that we both somehow knew. I try to guess what flavor of chap stick Chris put on his mouth. vanilla? raspberry? I forget what i was just thinking as I'm to intrigued in kissing him.

We pulled away, gasping for breathe. Out of the many times that me and Chris had a make-out session, this was the best. The longest. The best feeling in the world is to be comforted by the one you love. So, being the cheesy couple that we are, we cuddled up together. We watched stupid movies until 3AM when we had fallen asleep on each other.


I woke up by Chris' lips on my forehead. "wake up sleepyhead!" he exclaimed

"Pj is getting back from his trip today, you should probably get cleaned up and make your way to your apartment, Dan is waiting for you."

"Yea better get going, ill miss you" i tell him as i put my heavy jacket on, as it is cold outside.

"ill miss you to,Phil" he gave me a cheeky wink and exchanged laughs afterwords.

After i leaving Chris in his house, i start to make my way to me and dans apartment in manchester. I told Dan that me and chris would be fixing his camera lens and that it may take a while and IM going to sleep at his. I didn't feel comfortable telling Dan that I'm bi, nonetheless tell him i was with Chris.

Dan was my best friend but i had to lie once and a while so i can keep my love life personal. Sometimes he would ask questions as to why i was always at Chris' but i told him that were just really good friends, and thats "it"

The feeling of lying is weird, you feel Bad yet confident. Low but high. Old but new. it was a good bad situation, that i had to stand with at all moments of my relationship with my friend. i felt bad, but in a way that keeps me, me without drama.


"Dan! Im back!"

I heard shuffling through the hall way, and then a brown haired friend appear from behind the wall.

"Hey! is his camera good? Let me turn on the kettle."

Dan is so welcoming, making some nice tea that would warm my insides the moment i walked in.

"Yea its good! turns out it was just blocked, but the trains were already off duty by the time we noticed, so i just stayed."

"No! thats fine!

Dan is so understanding.


I walk to my room to put my bag away, setting it down then rushing back to start making some pancakes.

Pushing buttons is always fun, so after the pancakes are done i take out some golden syrup and some lemons, grab my coffee and turn on the playstation. As any other day dan and i lay down next to each other! feeling the couch cushion move as we move. Playing sonic till lunch time.

This is my first full phanfic! i will try to update as much as possible! im sorry if its bad, but its the first. please leave your feedback! i really appreciate it!

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