ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 1

Start from the beginning

Luffy's phone made a 'ding', only to see a message of his best friend, Zoro, Luffy unlock his phone before reading the message.

Swordsman Zoro:Hey luf nami said were watching movies tonight at robin's, wanna come?

PirateKing luffy:Sorry I got night shift tonight maybe next time..

Swordsman Zoro:I told you didn't I, just let me help you.

PirateKing luffy:And I told you, I don't want to bother you.

Swordsman Zoro:listen luf, your not bothering me at all. What bother's me is not helping my best friend, that's why let me help even a little okay?

PirateKing luffy:thanks zoro, I'll let you know if I need it. Gotta go back from work, see ya!

Swordsman Zoro:Anytime luf, see ya..

Luffy leaned his back to the chair sighing but still smiled. At least he know there's people care for him. zoro is like a brother to luffy, zoro even act like his brothers. One time they were buying some snacks when all of a sudden a guy accidentally bumps into luffy. Zoro was furious he told the guy if he ever touches him again he won't make it out alive, luffy has to call his friends so that he would calm down while the guy was so terrified running away from the crazy marimo head.

Luffy laugh remembering the scene. He suddenly got cut off by his thought from the knock of the table in front of him , It was a guy in his 20's he doesn't seem to be in this neighbourhood. he has dark hair, Silver bored eyes, has a piercing of four golden earing's, tattoos on his hand that called DEATH upon it, Luffy frown a little when he couldn't see his face fully since he was wearing a mask, a fluffy hat, and a black hoodie, though he didn't bother looking down he might get the wrong idea that he's checking him out.

"Are you done staring?" Luffy look at him amaze by his voice but also blushed from embarrassment he didn't know he was staring at him that long. So he quickly took the bag and did his work, the stranger keep looking straight at him it made him more flushed so luffy calculated his stuff's faster, he stop for a moment when he heard the man chuckled. Is he laughing at me?! I should have accepted zoro's invitation ( TT TT )He thought to himself. But then again no one would open the store luffy felt like running away now. Luffy then told him how much it cost not trying to make eye contact from the man.

"Say your an omega right?" The man again spoke with his husky voice, letting the small male take the money. luffy slightly blushed before nodding his head.

"Name?" Is this man interviewing me or something? He asked to himself and answered.

"Monkey D. Luffy" luffy cutely said once again making the man chuckle luffy look at the floor he swear he's so red that smoke came out. The man ruffled his hair making luffy a bit shock and finally looking at him again the man slowly made his way to his ear making luffy slightly flinch the man then spoke.

"Your cute when your flushed" and made way to the exit door giving luffy one more glance and wink before fully disappearing. Luffy stood there dumpfounded his heart keep beating like crazy. Did he just wink at me?! Luffy had so many questions when suddenly a piece of paper fall off from the back of his ear it was folded he then opened the folded paper it was.. a number?

"When did he-" he stop when there were also written in the bottom saying

"I did it when I ruffled your hair"

Luffy was so confuse, He didn't even saw him wrote something cuz his literary in front of him he should have notice it, Luffy stop when there was also folded in the bottom and another folded one, but this one say.

"I wrote it when you were busy staring at me" Is this man reading his mind? the other folded one says.

"I'm not reading your mind, your just easy to read" okay nope, definitely reading his mind his eyes wandered around if there are still people around the store. when there wasn't he look at his watch seeing 9 o'clock he look back at the paper again and put the number in his contact he doesn't know why but he somehow like this person. Luffy smiled looking at the number in his phone.

He grab his red hoodie, put his phone in his pocket and wore his strawhat.
Locking the door behind him making sure no one enters it and rode a taxi heading home.

Little did he know the man was actually looking at him in his car, he chuckled when he remembered his reaction reading the letter and also headed home muttering.

"What an interesting omega I found"


It's me again,If it has some mistakes let me know and I did this one cuz I have actually been a fan of amegaverse and read some lot's of it a year ago, see yah in the next chapter byeee..

Stay peachy! (I like this one but this one also says Stay safe!)

-Rika :)

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