“That’s because you don’t believe hard enough, babe. It’s all in the mind!” Jungkook didn’t anymore as he disappeared behind his room door rather quickly. With no other option but to go along with Jungkook’s nearly non-existent plan, I returned to my room where my pre-packed suitcase had been for the past week and was finally going to be put to good use later on today. I rifled through my clothing and picked out a rather comfortable outfit for our day of travel.

Stepping into the bathroom, just before closing the door there was a notification sound hailing from my phone on my nightstand. I paced my clothing down on the bathroom counter before running to my room and retrieving my device to scan it’s lit up screen for a couple of familiar names.




JM= Park Jimin

KT= Kim Taehyung

YG= Min Yoongi

KT: Wakey~ Wakey~
YG: No.
KT: 🙁
KT: You know what? I’m not even surprised you’d start with me this early.
YG: You used this chat every day to check up on Jimin.
KT: What’s wrong with that? I’m being a good person?
KT: Wait a minute-
KT: Are you JEALOUS?
YG: Of course not, that doesn’t make any sense.
JM: Actually, it would, but there isn’t much evidence to prove it.
YG: Okay. I am turning my phone off for the remainder of lunch. Have fun talking.
JM: No, it’s okay. I know how precious lunch time is.
JM: Is there a reason for your capitalization?
JM: Also, it’s been fine. Jungkook has made the experience smoother.
KT: Oh sorry about the caps.
KT: And oh? You’re spending time with him now? Did he pop the question yet?
JM: Yes, many times indirectly. He’s an odd man.
KT: Psshh... Odd? What could be so strange? You like him don’t you?
KT: Unless you’re referring to something below the belt?
JM: No. I am not.
KT: No? Like no action at all? Not even oral?
JM: Please, no. That’s not a conversation I’d like to have at this moment.
KT: Have you at least seen his dick? How’s it look? Could it break you?
JM: You’re asking too many questions.
KT: We haven’t spoken since you said you we’re going to quit. I assumed you and him might be going through some type of honeymooning phase!
KT: We’re more than colleagues now, Jimin. You can tell me things.
JM: Yoongi is in this chat as well.
KT: Bowtie is not important. Do not speak of him.
JM: If I answer at least one of your questions, will I be able to leave?
KT: Yes, you will.
JM: Okay then.
JM: Jungkook has tried to have sex, but he doesn’t want to go far with me.
JM: He’s very nervous, and I am as well.
KT: Oh, he’s such a sweetheart.
KT: If you show him you’re ready, I think he’ll get the message. Be as open with him as possible, tell him that you want him and you trust he will be gentle. Nice guys are keepers.
JM: Thank you?
KT: Any time!
KT: Oh, well, lunch break is over now, but I’ll try and keep in touch if there isn’t too much work!
KT: Also, tell me if you guys go through with it! You don’t know how happy I am for you!
JM: Thank you for being here, Taehyung.


After scrolling away from my messages, I took the time to check the clock, noticing we had ample time before our flight at 2:00 PM. I tossed my phone to the bed, and headed back into the bathroom. Looking into the mirror I felt my ears and cheeks being tampered with heat from  Taehyung and I’s conversation. I brought my fingers to the side of my neck which had gone pale, no signs of any bite mark or kiss. I grinned to myself at the arousing memory of last Thursday.
Today was a day with limited time.
Making the most of it is was all that was left on the table to clear.

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