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Sorry to the people who wanted me to update this story, I had forgotten the Chromebook I used to update my stories at my mom's house. So that means I'm out of using the resources that I have, most of this was made up of memory and boredom. It probably would've come out faster had I brought my ear buds to school and used them to listen to music, which I find helps me update. I'll try to add another chapter this weekend but it might not happen, sorry!

You waited by the nurses office, the school day was over but someone had to stay with Claire until her parents got to the school. One of your legs was over a knee as you sat in a relaxed position, one arm propped up against the chair as your foot bounced in the air a little. Around the corner in the hall, Jim and Toby had their heads peaked out to look at Y/n who was reading one of her favorite books. "Should we ask her if she wants to come?" Toby whispered in hopes that Y/n couldn't hear them, Jim sighed and pulled back so he and Toby were hidden by the wall. "Normally yes, but something is telling me we shouldn't. Even if those burns she has on her arms help deflect those goblins from hurting her, maybe me and you could do a solo mission again." Jim said with a nervous smile, Toby raised a brow with a blunt face. "The last time that happened, you got turned tiny, the effects didn't wear off until the end of a school day and you ended up fighting a you-sized gnome." Toby said as he used his finger off the events that happened on the same day Jim had to do his Spanish assignment.

"Okay, so, yeah. But we're only gonna follow the goblins to their lair, go back to Trollmarket and tell Blinky and Aaarrrgghh about the lair." Jim said as he used his arms to gesture his plan. "Also, I don't think she'll be able to stay caught up with us on her skateboard since we only have about an hour and a half left before the chubby tracker's battery burns out." Jim said as he gestured to Toby's phone that was telling them where the goblin that had the chubby tracker on, was at. Toby sighed and folded his arms. "Fine, but only because I don't Y/n giving me an interrogation the whole time we're there." Toby said as Y/n closed the book she was now done reading. The two boys look at Y/n only to find Strickler standing in front of her with a smile. "Surprise to see you here, Y/n." Strickler said as his hands rested behind his back.

"Yeah, Claire got hit in the face with a ball so I'm just gonna stay here until her parents come to pick her up." Y/n Informed as she put her book inside of her bag, she might read it again later. "That's good." Strickler said and pulled a letter out from one of her pockets. "Do you remember Ms. Nomura and how you went into the closed exhibit?" He asked as he unfolded the paper and looked at it in his hands, Y/n looking up at him while nodding. "She was hoping you could help clean after school hours." Strickler said as he read the paper that was now in his hands. This caused Y/n to sigh as she rubbed her head. "Alright, when does she want me to go?" Y/n asked bluntly, Strickler smirked a little as he put the paper back into his pocket. "She'd prefer you'd come after having dinner, snacks are able to come with you if you do become hungry." Strickler said, Y/n sighed and gave a thumbs up. Jim and Toby went further down into the hall they were in to talk.

"See, Y/n already has something to do. It's nothing troll related either so she'll be safe." Jim said with a grin, Toby raised a brow. "Why do you care if she's safe?" Toby asked, Jim made a derp face and then looked back at Toby when he had an idea. "Because she's a friend, now let's go!" Jim said and raced down the hall, Toby not far behind. However, they weren't aware of Strickler who was by the corner, but he heard enough just to know that their plan didn't have Y/n in it.

Time skip....

The boys biked as fast as they could to the destination that Toby's phone was telling them to go. Not to mention that all the points from the goblin allowed Toby to get several things. They soon enough made it, only to find that it was the museum. In order to not be seen easily, they used the small hill next to the building for some coverage. "Jim, look!" Toby said as he pointed at the top of the building, goblins sneaking into the historic building to take refuge for the night. Jim nodded and got onto his knees. "Okay, this is a problem. Y/n is supposed to be here tonight!" Toby reminded Jim who sighed and rubbed the back of his head.

"Maybe that would be tomorrow? If we hurry to troll market, we can get Blinky and Aaarrrgghh, bring them back here and take of the goblins before Ms. Nomura and Y/n come to clean after hours." Jim said as he stood up, only for Toby to gasp and jump, tackling Jim in the process. "Toby what-" Toby shushed Jim and pointed down at the street to see headlights of a car. The two stayed silent as they laid close to the ground as the car got into the parking lot, it being a silver vintage open roof mustang. The driver, who was Ms. Nomura, got out of the car and walked over to the museum after locking the car. Toby rolled his eyes. "Way to jinx it Jim." Toby said, only for another car to roll into the driveway before Ms. Nomura could reach the door. The other car was a vintage olive green Mercedes station wagon with copper accents. I think that's what strickler's car is, I know he has one but I didn't think Ms. Nomura had one in the show, or at least it wasn't shown.

The station wagon stopped on the road, the passenger door opening to reveal Y/n coming out. Y/n sighed as she looked at the museum, Ms. Nomura waving at her. To be nice, Y/n waved back before looking back inside of the station wagon to see Strickler messing with his rear view mirror. "Why can't you try and talk her out of it?" Y/n whined quietly, Strickler looked at her and smirked. "If i'm right, you were going to go out flying again late. You might as well do something community wise while you're out. No need to worry about your scaly side. I told her your the kind of kid who does homework late at night." Strickler said as a way to cover up Y/n's dragon side. Even though Strickler and Y/n have known Ms. Nomura for years, sharing that your part dragon was a little hard to put into a casual conversation. At least, that's how it was to Y/n. She sighed as she closed the door, Strickler driving off once she was on the sidewalk.

Y/n turned to the building and trudged ahead until she was a few steps behind Ms. Nomura. "Now don't look to enthusiastic Y/n." Ms. Nomura said as she unlocked the door, a smirk on her face. "All you have to do is mop the floors of a few rooms and then I'll call Mr. Strickler to come and collect you." Ms. Nomura said as she opened the door for Y/n, who sighed with a slouched posture as they walked through the doors. But Jim, Toby and Y/n didn't notice the sinister look on Ms. Nomura's face as she closed the doors and locked them.

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