"I'll save you, I promise." He felt his old self rise to the surface for a moment.

"But he has both of us, it's no use.." whimpered Eri with watery eyes. It was true that this wouldn't be easy, but Izuku always managed to push through in every situation. Otherwise he would be dead by now.

"I have a pretty confusing quirk.. I'm still trying to figure out what it is myself..."

"A-Are you a hero?"

Izuku's stomach fizzed. What should I tell her? That I'm a villain just like Overhaul? That wouldn't get us anywhere...

"Well more or less." lied Izuku. "Does your quirk have something to do with erasing quirks?"

"I can rewind living things. I can't control it though, so I have to wear quirk restraining cuffs."

Eri lifted up her hair to show her horn which had electrodes with wires leading to outside the containment room.

"Use your quirk." ordered Izuku sternly.

"But my quirk is--I might kill you!" cried Eri.

Izuku hoped that he knew what he was doing.

"Your quirk isn't a curse, it's perfect for helping people. Do you think you can rewind this?" Izuku stuck out his wrist which had a scar he had been unable to get rid of for the last few months.

"I-I don't know s-sir..I can try."

"Call me Izuku. Wait no, call me Deku." Izuku stuck out his wrist without any fear, hoping he wouldn't be rewound into nothingness.

Eri shakily nodded her head and her horn started buzzing with electricity, which quickly spread to her fingertips and to Izuku's wrist. The scar faded away fairly quickly. But the electricity was starting to go out of control.


Just as he was hoping, the alarm on the containment room went off. Eri was on the ground struggling.

"IM SORRY! MY QUIRK IS A CURSE! I SHOULD BE DEAD!" Eri was panicking as her now all-white-eyes sparked with the energy, causing her tears to float upward.


Eri gasped at the sight of Yakuza through the window. She continued to struggle through screams and cries.

"THEY'RE COMING!" She gasped. Izuku grabbed her by the waist, feeling multiple scars disappear around his arms. He managed to calm down her quirk.

Izuku activated his quirk, green fire. The fire could melt anything but if he touched it, it would burn him, but not a lot.

"And now that we have their attention.." started Izuku before blasting fire at the door. He made sure to pick up the mask, and Eri.


"No thanks." mumbled Izuku before breaking off a metal pole off the wall and swinging it full power at the back of the guard's head, knocking him out cold. He had to stay alert or else they would probably face death from Chisaki's quirk.

Two more Yakuza came out and one activated his quirk, which made steel plates rise around them in oddly irregular patterns that made it hard for Izuku to predict.

"Too easy." sneered the greenette with a smug smirk on his face.

Izuku immediately clung to a steel plate and climbed up to get a better shot at the Yakuza's head.

"I'm a ex-UA student, I know some stuff."

Izuku leaped off a plate with Eri on his back and landed a direct kick to the Yakuza with the steel-plate quirk, causing his nose to break upon impact, getting blood all over Izuku's pants.

Revenge (V-DEKU AU)Where stories live. Discover now