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Chapter 144: Shengsheng, he called her deep inside

If he didn’t do something to pacify himself, he thought, he was likely to do something out of control.

So he watched as the man jostled her into his arms.

This brief embrace silenced the roaring beast in his heart.

He wasn’t an ignorant child, and had realized that he had absolutely no ordinary feelings for her.

He would be angry, jealous, and possessive of her.

When he suddenly heard her say blind date, that image that popped in his head made him want to kill!

“Uncle, Auntie Liu, I’m also hungry. Shall we tour around the snack street first and see what’s good to eat before we decide?” Mo Feng swooped in at the right time, relieving Liu Yusheng’s heart.

She knew that his eyes were on her even without looking up, and she could feel the pressure of his gaze.

There was also an extremely subtle aggression mixed in there.

Like the person he was. He appeared gentle and calm, but in fact, his strength was buried in his bones.

At the snack street, Mo Feng, who had been quiet for a long time, began to rejoice again.

“Wow! Lamb Kebabs! Fishball balls! Fried Tofu!…I want it all!” Every time he went to a stall, the boy’s eyes would light up, as if looking at something novel. “Uncle, buy this. Let’s eat this!”

The man automatically blocked out his yelling and took the three people to a store down the street. He chose a table, and sat down, “Boss, four bowls of beef wontons with scallions.”

Liu Yusheng couldn’t help but look up at him again.

Beef wontons with scallions were her favorite.

Was it a coincidence?

What was more, looking at his familiarity when he ordered wontons, it seemed that it wasn’t his first time here.

The man did not respond to her questioning gaze and sat there naturally, with an aristocratic air that looked incompatible with the environment, but he didn’t look uncomfortable. On the contrary, he elevated the level of the restaurant.

On the other hand, Mo Feng wilted a bit. “Are we going to eat wonton only? Okay, can I have something else after this?”

He had eaten wontons at the palace, but they weren’t fresh.

The man still ignored him.

This made Liu Yusheng begin to believe the truth of what the boy said yesterday. His youngest uncle really didn’t care much for him.

Wei Hong kept her words to the minimum, but she sat upright, watching her master order wontons. It meant that he wasn’t picky about food.

They quickly served the bowls of wontons in a clear soup, sprinkled with scallions. The fragrance immediately permeated the air and instantly whetted one’s appetite.

When she smelled the aroma, Liu Yusheng felt hungry at once, so she took a spoon and scooped up the noodles and ate them while blowing them cool.

Blow to cool it a bit, then take small bites and chew gently. The way she buries her head in her food smacked of an animal.

Feng Qingbai watched with a soft smile slowly emerging from his slender eyes.

Every move she made brought him back to the good old days.

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