Chapter 20

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Okay, he said

Author: 橙子澄澄

Source: Instadoses

It was Dabao's voice.

Liu Zhixia and Liu Zhiqiu exchanged a glance, "Zhiqiu, stay here with Nannan, and the others go with me."

With that command, he hurried to the opposite side with the others.

"Brother," Waiting for the others to walk away, Liu Yusheng tugged on Liu Zhiqiu's sleeve, "Let's go check it out, too?"

The little madman would hit anyone and she was worried that her big brother wouldn't be able to handle it. After all, they are all a bunch of little brats around seven or eight years old.

"No way, that lunatic hits anyone. Big brother is worried about this, that's why he let me stay with you here, Nannan, let's not go there." Liu Zhiqiu flatly refused.

"Brother, go, go." Shaking Liu Zhiqiu's arm, Liu Yusheng inclined her little face and blinked at him asking sweetly, "I'm worried about big brother, we'll just take a look, big brother...."

...Liu Zhiqiu was immediately defeated in battle.

The two huddled together and stealthily inched closer to the scene of the incident.

Hiding behind a slope of grass, they split aside the tall grass and peeked over.

They both saw Lu Zhixia and the other kids forming a semi-circle, while Dabao and Gouwa stood at the forefront. Dabao was holding a bamboo pole in his hand with his eyebrows raised, trying to put on a fierce appearance, scolding the person hunched in front of them.

From Liu Yusheng's angle, she could only see the side of the little boy, who in her estimate was about seven or eight years old. He must be emaciated, because now that he's stooping low, the ridges of his spine are clearly visible from the raised area under his grey clothes. His hair was tied in a child's bun with messy bangs falling down his forehead, blocking his face.

".... You are not from our village, this place belongs to our Xinghua Village, you are not allowed to step a foot here! Get lost, or I'll really beat you up!" With more kids backing him up, Dabao's guts redoubled. He straightened his waist and his domineering front became even more vivid.

"Little lunatic, you hear me, get lost! Don't go running around and scaring people in the future, or we'll go and smash up your shabby hut!" Gouwa also raised his fist and swung it around with a great deal of air.

The little lunatic never spoke a word, leaving them to drink and threaten, unresponsive as if they were puppets.

Liu Yusheng pursed her small mouth, her eyes slipping inadvertently down his profile, and then her pupils suddenly shrank.

That little boy is not unresponsive!

The fingers at his feet scraped back and forth across the ground, faster and faster along with the intensity of their scolding, and getting more manic!

She'd witnessed a similar condition in her previous life, which is a manifestation of mania!

His hand suddenly stopped then grabbed a stone in his hand!

"Brother!" Liu Yusheng's heart tightened and she rushed out.


Liu Zhiqiu failed to grab her, so he could only slap his forehead in chagrin and run on her heels.

No one noticed that when the little lunatic heard the word "Nannan", all his movements stopped.

Over there, Liu Zhixia was also startled in place, "Nannan?"

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