Chapter 11

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Are you sure you did not diagnose inaccurately

Author: 橙子澄澄

Source: Instadoses

"Ah! What the hell!"

"Grandma Liu, are you crazy! Why pour bloody water on us!"

Several women screamed hopping mad, their faces were red and their bodies were soaking wet.

"Dangdang!" The water basin landed on the ground, as Grandma Liu glared at the women smiling grimly, "A disaster star? While standing at my Liu's yard, you are smearing my Nannan?! She never ate your family's rice nor spent your family's silver, whether she's a disaster star or a blessing, our Liu Family will take responsibility! The lot of you, get lost in front of this old lady! Let me tell you, whoever goes around and chews her tongue senselessly, don't count this bloody water, this old lady will directly charge into your house with a knife! Get out!"

The devotees were caught red-handed. Although the few women were angry, they were more embarrassed and guilty. Besides, Mrs. Liu is notorious in the village for being bold and vigorous and not someone easily trifled with. Her current stance before them, where she seemed on the verge of tearing their mouths, was truly terrifying. How dare they say anything else, they bowed their heads in embarrassment and got ready to leave.

Right outside the door, a villager led the barefoot doctor in at last.

"Here he is, Doctor Gu, please hurry! Life is at stake!"

Hearing the doctor's arrival, Mrs. Liu could care less about tearing these women up for the time being. She quickly went back to greet the doctor.

During which an uproar burst out in the room.

"Aiyo! You woke up! Second Liu has woken up!"

"Oh! This little granddaughter is truly blessed! She only fed him a glass of water she poured, and the man really woke up!"

"Don't you know? When Grandpa Liu had an accident, even Doctor Hu at the medical center in town boasted that his Nannan is blessed!"

Several women who were left standing in the yard exchanged glances.

Did the person really wake up?

Just by drinking a cup of water from that baby?

Wasn't she terribly evil?!

"Let's go, let's have a look!"

Haunted by gossip, the women temporarily ignored their sorry figures, and nimbly approached the doorway, craning their necks to explore the wonder inside.

Doctor Gu is the only barefoot doctor in several nearby villages. He lives in the village entrance of Xinghua Village. He usually walks in various villages and neighbors to treat people with minor problems and earn a little money for living.

Regardless if his medical expertise is superior or not, he has never misdiagnosed or slipped up in his medical treatment. To him, the villagers are still quite convinced.

They saw him sitting next to the bamboo bed. He first checkedLiu Erlin's face and head, and then explored his pulse. His eyebrows tightened and loosened for a while.

Staring fixedly on his expression, the hearts of the crowd also went up and down.

"What do you say Doctor Gu, how am I? I think it's nothing serious, I just feel a little pain in my head. That son of a bitch in Xiapo Village shot too fast while I wasn't paying attention. I was blindsided and failed to fight back. Wait till laozi catches him, laozi will also carve a ladle on his head!" Liu Erlin woke up, his voice was still loud, and his breath was quite vigorous.

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