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Chapter 133 - No need to hide your weaknesses

Liu Zhiqiu won several contemptuous glances from his family for puncturing the mood.

They got out of the way, and the carriage started on its journey.

As the carriage bobbed into the distance, Grandma Liu grabbed Liu Zhiqiu's ear and twisted it. "Bastard!"



"You deserve it!"

The family filed into the courtyard, leaving Liu Zhiqiu alone with his reddened ears in confusion.

What did he do? He was just telling the truth, right?

"Your brother will certainly not end up well later." In the carriage, Qian Wanjin stifled a laugh.

"How do you know?"

"Of course I know. I have experienced it firsthand several times." He was the most powerful eyewitness.

The Lius were usually very reasonable and approachable.

But as long as the matter was related to Fu Nannan, did you want to be reasonable? Hahaha.

They'd widen your knowledge about what it meant to shield someone's shortcomings to no end.

Liu Yusheng leaned against the carriage and smirked. In recent years, her two brothers including Qian Wanjin did suffer platefuls from her family because of her.

Whenever she reminisced about those occasions, she felt like laughing.

The carriage turned a corner with a jolt, and Qian Wanjin lifted the curtain at the fork in the road. "Why are we taking this road? Directly go to the county, it's much closer."

Da Huang was helpless and aggrieved, and motioned to his side. "Young Master, it's not that I want to take this road. It's this lady who's pulling the reins."

The culprit coldly retorted, "I'm hungry. Let's first go to town and buy two pancakes."

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"…" Qian Wanjin stroked his chin. "Aunt Hong, you're not falling for the uncle who sells pancakes, are you? Why else would you go buy pancakes every time you go back to town?"

Wei Hong was so scared that she almost fell off in front of the carriage.

"What nonsense are you babbling about? Look at how scared Aunt Hong is, she's turned white!" Liu Yusheng pulled her back, stifling a laugh. "We're not in a hurry anyway. Aunt Hong likes to eat those pancakes, so just go buy them. It won't take long."

"…" Wei Hong was speechless.

Wei Lan really took her off-handed remarks to heart and went to sell pancakes for a living – for nine years. Cangwu Town has changed every year, but only his stall never moved the nest.

It was dead squatting right across from Wanjin restaurant.

When the carriage entered the town, it went straight to Wanjin restaurant. From afar, a small stall on the opposite side of the street could. There were no customers in front of it at the moment, and the owner with a towel around his neck was sitting by the side of the road completely without restraints. He was chatting with the vendors around him, like a native of the area.

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