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Chapter 139: Finding an appeal.

Back in the small courtyard, Liu Yusheng whispered goodbye at the fork in the road between the guest rooms and theinner courtyard.

The man stood there, seeing her off.

Qian Wanjin and the others haven't returned yet, so the guest rooms were quiet.

Sitting by the bed, Liu Yusheng couldn't help thinking of that man.

Feng Qingbai, as his name suggested, was as cool as the breeze and bright as the moon, and like a tall pine.

He was very restrained in his dealings with others, restrained at a polite distance, but not too detached.

Whenever he spoke, his eyes were clear and soft, which deterred any dislike of him.

Regent, King of Nanling.

Standing so high, he should be a man who has gone through a thousand sails, but she couldn't find a trace of cold-heartedness in him.

As if he was born to be a man of majesty.

Moreover, she couldn't even feel indifference from such a powerful man.

The way he looked at her made her feel that they were on equal footing.

In the inner courtyard, Feng Qingbai sat on an armchair, somewhat lost in thought, looking at his right hand.

Just now, her eyelashes gently brushed across his hand, and the delicate touch of her skin remained on it.

After nine years, he touched her for real again - under these circumstances!

By promising to take her to the inn, he had anticipated the scene she would see, and he did it on purpose.

He wanted her to see for herself the environment he was living in.

Someone was always plotting against him at every moment, and someone wanted him dead at all times.

He was always fighting for his life at every second.

She should be afraid, and would avoid him when she saw him again.

But at the last moment, he couldn't help but cover her eyes, unwilling to let those clean, clear eyes to see the filth and blood.

Rather than scaring her and making her afraid, he'd prefer to force himself to stay away from her.

"Imperial Uncle, can you still find that man?" the boy sitting in a corner asked softly.

Since his return in the house, his uncle had been sitting there in a daze, and his expression and eyes were very different from usual.

This strange change made him feel uneasy.

"I'll try my best," the man replied, "If I can't find him, I'll look for other ways. If all else fails, then you should be prepared for life or death."

The man's words were heartless, but the boy felt a strange sense of calmness upon hearing them.

At least he didn't lull him with nice words like everyone else.

"Imperial Uncle, if I really die, can you not bury me in a separate tomb and just bury me with my parents together?" The boy's voice was calm, and expectation tinged his eyes as he looked at the man.

He thought that if they were still alive, they would definitely love him.

He would be able to experience the love of his father and mother after death.

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