Song of My Heart-1

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    I had been playing with one of my drumsticks when I felt someone run into me so I turned. A girl who looked like she might be about my age with blonde hair, was looking down and muttering apologies. How she managed to get passed security I didn't know. She kept looking behind her, like she was afraid of something.

    "Are you alright?" She jumped slightly when I spoke.

    She nodded and glanced around, seemingly only then noticing where she was. "I'm sorry I should go-" She turned and started to walk off before retreating a few steps. I quietly followed her gaze and saw a guy who looked quite a bit older than us looking around. The girl stepped back again and I just gently wrapped my arm around her shoulders as the guy looked straight at her.

    I could feel her tense slightly until I spoke. "There you are. Where have you been?"

    She let out a basically silent sigh of relief and smiled. "Just went to find a snack and something to drink." 

    I smiled back and nodded, glancing up and seeing the guy leave. I made a mental note to get security to get him out. As soon as he was out of sight I moved my arm away from her, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. "You okay?"

    She nodded softly, wrapping her arms around herself. "Mhm. He's been following me since I got here." She rubbed the back of her neck slightly.

    I nodded slightly. "What's your name?"

    She looked up. "Lilah. Lilah Fairchild."

    I nodded. "I'm Spencer. Are you here with anyone?"

    She shook her head. "I was supposed to come with my friend but she got sick and couldn't make it." She glanced around slightly.

    I nodded. "You can stay back here if you want." I offered, thinking it might give her a sense of security. Getting through security without being with me, Will or Clay or having a pass was incredibly difficult. Honestly I'm still wondering how she managed to get through without any of those things. 

    She nodded as she stared tapping her fingers on her elbow, a  grey hoodie tied around her waist. She wore just plan blue jeans and a loose white tshirt. She genuinely seemed like she couldn't be any older than I was. Which made her probably about eighteen, maybe nineteen. 

    A whistle from my left made me turn, seeing Will, our bassist, walking over. "Five minutes til showtime. " He glanced at Lilah. "Whose this?"


    "Whose this?" The brown haired male that had walked over to Spencer looked at me, his head tilting to the side. 

    "Oh this is Lilah. She needed some help so." He shrugged, twirling a drumstick around in his fingers. He looked to me. "Lilah this is Will, the bassist."

    "She probably knows that Spence. She's at our concert." Will snorted.

    "Actually I didn't know that. My friend's the one that knew about you guys. She just drags me to these things because I'm 'not social enough'." I shrugged, chuckling softly.

    "Ah well, hope you enjoy the show." He grinned before looking at Spencer. "We gotta go." He gave a half wave and ran off. 

    Spencer chuckled and nodded. "Like he said, enjoy the show." He smiled. "If you need anything, just ask." He waved and jogged off. 

    I nodded and watched them go, seeing them meet up with the third member of their band. I think Emily said his name was Dream, though I could be wrong. 

    Someone walked over to me, stage crew or someone like that is who I guessed. "There's an empty box seat, if you still wanted to watch the show." She offered. 

    I gave a small smiled ad nodded. "Sure. Thank you."

    She smiled back and nodded, quietly giving me directions. 

    I nodded my thanks and headed to the seat she'd mentioned, watching the stage. The band had already started playing and I recognized the song. Mask, one of their newer songs. I'd heard Em play it a few times when she'd been over at my apartment. Emily was my best friend. And the one I was supposed to be here with tonight. She'd gotten sick with some kind of stomach bug and couldn't make it. Though made it very clear through text that she wanted me to record as much of the show as possible for her, which greatly amused me. I told her I would, which is why I pulled my phone out and started recording. My gaze shifted between the different band members, though my eyes kept landing on Spencer for whatever reason. Eventually he glanced in my direction and saw me, grinning. I chuckled quietly as he winked at me, and I felt my face and neck heat as I blushed. I didn't know why such a small action made me blush, though I suppose it could have something to do with the fact a very attractive guy was the one that winked at me. 


    After a couple of hours the band played their final song of the night, Now or Never, and said their goodbyes after. I walked back over to where Spencer had been before, pulling my sweatshirt on since it was cooler now that the sun had set. After a minute I saw Spencer walking towards me, catching a water bottle Will had tossed him, basically finishing it by the time he reached me.

    He smiled. "Like the show?" He asked. "I saw you recording."

    "Oh, yeah." I chuckled. "My friend wanted me to record as much as I could since she couldn't make it." I slipped my phone into my back pocket, my fingers brushing against my keys.

    He smiled and nodded. "Hey you need a ride home or anything? I dunno if you walked here but I doubt it's safe to walk back now. Especially since you're alone." 

    I nodded slightly. "I wouldn't want to be a bother-"

    He cut me off with a chuckle. "It wouldn't be a bother. I'd be glad to drive you home if you needed it." 

    I smiled slightly and nodded. "Sure, if you want."

    He smiled, seeming genuinely glad that I'd accepted his offer. "Great. Wait here. I've gotta grab a few things quick."

    I smiled back and nodded, leaning against a wall as he jogged off. 

    Will gave me a half wave as he jogged off, Spencer returning a minute later, grinning and motioning for me to follow. 

    Yeah yeah I know. Following a guy I just met that day out to his car late at night, stupid idea. But I knew that Emily would call me right about-

    My phone rang, right when I thought it would. I pulled it out of my pocket and answered, grinning. "Hey Em." Spencer glanced over and I just quietly smiled, him giving a nod and a smile in return.

    "Tell me you filmed it. Pleaseeeeee tell me you filmed it." 

    I snorted. "Don't worry Em. I did."

Same DifferenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora