Chapter Nineteen

643 39 58

Quinn Parker

"Run!" Harry yelled.

"I'm trying!" I yelled back, gripping on tighter to his hand that was laced with mine. My scuffed shoes were running as fast as they possible could, my clumsy self trying best to focus on not tripping over.

This wasn't how I pictured my day panning out at all, given that only minutes ago I was sat comfortably in a large hotel suite. Now, I was hand in hand with Harry running away from flashing cameras that desperately wanted to capture pictures of him.

I could feel the blood pumping throughout my entire body, my heart racing so hard that I could practically feel it in my throat. My legs were running without me even thinking, almost as though my body had thrown itself into auto drive and just knew to run.

The only thing curling my thoughts right now was the fact that within a week, this would be the second time I'd be pictured with Harry. The pictures of me passed out in his arms wasn't something I had googled or even wanted to see. I was thankful I'd removed the news apps and most social media on my phone so I wouldn't have to see it but a second time...surely that would be unavoidable. What would people think?


"Fuck sake." I heard Harry mutter, his grip on my hand tightening again as we ran down the street.

I looked up to catch a glimpse of where we were running to, my eyes widening immediately at the sight of the hills that were in front of us. I forget we were in San Fransisco for a second, only now remembering this entire city was made of hills.

"Please tell me you know where we're going!" I asked breathlessly.

Harry looked back at me for a moment before glancing behind me to double check how close the paparazzi were to us.


Oh fuck. Oh fuck fuck fuck.

The flashes from the cameras behind me were a fuel in my body that I didn't know I needed. All I knew was I needed to somehow run faster than I was right now to get away from the men chasing us. I really didn't want them to capture pictures of my face given that they desperately had to bury my last pap shot. Two pap shots within a week I think would definitely count against me. My feet began to pick up speed suddenly, the urgency growing in me that we needed to get away.

We zipped through the people on the street, being as careful as we could to weave through the crowds and not knock into anyone.

"Sorry, excuse me!" I call loudly to a group of teenagers ahead of us, waving my free arm to show them that they needed to move.

"Whoa!" I heard one of them say as we dashed through them and carried on sprinting down the street. The realisation suddenly dawned on me that people on the streets may recognise Harry, decreasing our chances of getting away and increasing the likelihood of being swarmed with fans.

"You have to cover your face!" I said loud enough for him to hear me in his tail.

"What?" He asked.

"Your face, you have to cover it! People are going to recognise you!" I said loudly.

Harry groaned in irritation, lifting his free arm to try and cover his face as best as he could. The light wind in the air around us whipped past my ears, my hair flying crazily behind me. His grip on my hand suddenly pulled me around a corner on a street, tugging me along with him as we both sprinted down the long hill together. I could feel the burning in my calves and thighs, running up a hill was definitely tiring and I didn't know how harry was doing it with ease. Glancing up at him, I could see his curls whipping around crazily, a grin tugging on both corners of his lips almost as though he enjoyed this, the thrill of running away.

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