Chapter Eight

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Tw: blood

Quinn Parker

"Every breath you take."

"Let's just do it."

The familiar words that haunted my nightmares echoing around me again.

Here I was again, stood in her empty kitchen with empty drank beer bottles scattered along the kitchen table, a bottle in each of our hands.

"Every move you make."

The dream was always the same. The same words. The same scene. The same horror being repeated in my mind over and over again.

"Every bond you break."

We both know that night that we shouldn't have done what we did but that didn't stop us, we were celebrating. Charlotte had received the news this afternoon that she had been given a spot at the University of Washington.

"You're crazy, you know that?" I laugh, moving forward to lean against the small island in the middle of the room. Charlotte dangled her legs over the side, sitting perched on the countertop instead of a stool.

"Every step you take."

A rewind in my head played the same line again.


"You're crazy, you know that?"I leaned against the counter again.

"How am I crazy? I would move into campus in the spring, I want to try and do crazy things before I go."

"I'll be watching you."

I could see her legs swinging back and forth beside me from the corner of my eye. The same swinging back and forth that made me know what was coming. "No..." I whimper.

"You're having another nightmare, aren't you Quinn?" I heard her say.


"Quinn! Are you awake?"

"What's the worst that could happen, hm?" She asked.

"Quinn!" Loud thudding filling my head.

I tore my eyes away from the beer bottle and looked up at her again. "Wha-"


Blood dripping from her head to her toes.

Pooled below her dangling feet.

She was completely covered and her eyes white.

"What's the worst that could happen, Quinn?" She repeated, the whites of her eyes turning to a blazing orange.

"C-char-" I gasped, dropping the glass bottle to the floor in shock. "N-no!"

The loud shattering sound of glass to floor tore me away from my dream.

"NO!" I screamed.

I gasped to life in the chair I was sat in. My heart was racing 100 miles per minute again, my cheeks stained with tears. Bolting up from the chair, I widened my eyes at the sun that was glaring through the windows. The sharpness of it causing me to squint as my sleepy eyes tried their best to adjust at the sudden light that invaded my sight.

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