"Yes." He answered

"No way in hell! They've had the worst grades until just recently!" Irina spat

"I wonder. I don't know about thr past, but they're mt students now. When you're in a tight spot, protect yourself. That's the weapon I've given them" Korosensei answered as he picked up the fallen rubber blade with a tissue paper, letting a butterfly land on it's tip, before letting it fly away once more

T  I  M  E    S  K  I  P

-The Next Day-

"What's the meaning of this? I felt like the test was markedly lacking in fairness." Karasuma spoks through the phone

"That's strange. You should have been notified. Maybe some kinf of communication slip-up on your end? I mean, you never come to the main campus" A male's voice responded

"I can't say there was... And regardless, this is highly unusual. Two days before the exams, and you broaden the scope to cover all subjects?"

"You don't seem to understand, uh Karasuma-sensei. We are a prep school. Testing students on last-minute cramming is part of policies. Why, the main-campus students had thr principal himself take the stage abd give a splendid lecture about the changes." The male said through the phone

'Is there nothing tbat man won'r do in the name of his own doctrine? They've put us in a fine spot.' Karasuma though as he ended the call. Before lookong at the yellow octopus who was now facing the wall.

'If he leaves the E Class, we lose everything'


A gloomy aura filled the classroom as most of the E-Class students had their heads down whereas Korosensei had his back facing them.

"I take all responsibility. I seem to have underestimated the system at this school. I can't bare to face you." Korosensei said as two rubber blades them came flying his way.

"You sure?" Y/n said as both she and Karma stood up

"If you can't face us, you can't see us coming to kill you." Karma added

"Karma-kun! Y/n-chan! I'm very depressed right now, and—" the teacher's words were cut off as both students placed their answer sheets on his desk

Your Test Results:

Math - 100
Science - 100
Social Studies - 100
Home Economics - 99
English - 100
Japanese/Kanji - 98

Overall Rank: 2nd of 50


Chanhing the questiones didn't matter to me." Karma said as the class huddled up see both their scores


"Both of you got a100 in math? No way!"

"Y/n-chan got a 100 in Social Studies, English and Science too!"

"With our grades, you taught... We've come this far, so why not move a little further ahead? So we could handle the questions even if they'd changed their scope." Y/n spoke

"Still, we won't be leaving. Assassination is way more fun than going back to my old class." Karma added

"Not to mention that was the reason I'm here in the first place" Y/n added with a shrug

"So what's the plan? You gonna use our not all making it to the top fifty as an excuse yo turn tail an run? You're just afraid in being killed, that's all" Karma said as he went infront of Korosensei, basically taunting him

"I can't believe you actually planned to stoop that low, Sensei" Y/n added with taunting tone lacing her voice, which caused to irk the inhuman teacher, which the other students managed to pick up

"Oh, is that it? You were afraid!" Maehara said

"You should've just told us!"

"Right? Like, 'I'm scared and want to run away!"

The others taunted as multiple irk marks appeared o  his face as he turned red

"Nyuuuuyaaa!! (A: did I write that correctly?) I'm not running away!" Korosensei exclaimed as he raised his tentacles in the air.

"Oh? Then what?" Karma questioned

"We'll get revenge on them twofold in the end-of-term exams!" Korosensei said as he returned back to his normal shade of yellow as the classroom was then filled with laughter

"This is no laughing matter! Honestly!" Korosensei exclaimed

"I still think passing away is better tho."

"Y/n-chan." Korosensei called out as the class was now scattered around the room, most of them seated on the tables

"Hai, sensei?"

"Why is your answers written in Traditional Chinese Characters?" He questioned, which shocked the class

"The Principal made me do it. That's why I got 98 on Japanese, I accidentally wrote a Japanese character on one of my answers" Y/n answered bluntly

"Eh? You can speak Mandarin, Y/n-chan?" Megu questioned

"I can't, I can only read and write. I understand a few sentences though" Y/n corrected

"Is that why you were in a separate classroom?"

"Pretty much"


In Yokohama~~

"Boss, you have a letter from the ministry of Defense."

"Oh really? Isn't that rare."

【 1354 ᴡᴏʀᴅꜱ 】
ᴘᴜʙʟɪꜱʜᴇᴅ: ᴀᴘʀɪʟ 15, 2021
ᴇᴅɪᴛᴇᴅ: ꜱᴇᴘᴛᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 01, 2021

[DISCONTINUED] A Gifted in E-Class (Assassination Classroom x F! reader x BSD)Where stories live. Discover now