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was gonna do angst but you guys need a bit of a break :D

request; nobody


"Alright students! The Valentines day festival will start anytime soon! But it doesn't mean you can't do your work! So take some time to relax before the festival and we'll get going!"

Everyone in the 2nd grade class, went to their friends table and talked to them, except one. Sapnap he wasn't in the same class as his crush or friends. He thought it was unfair though, like how come his friend dream be in the same class with his crush but not him? He just wanted to ask Alex if he wanted to go together to the valentines festival. Sapnap sighed,

"Nick? What happened?"

Ms. Serenity asked,

"I just want to be with my friends!"

Sapnap said sniffling a bit.

"Hey don't worry kiddo, look, you can go to your friends early! Just tell me their classroom teacher!"

Serenity said, smiling sweetly.
Nick smiled and told her the teacher.
she called them and immediately sapnap went rushing through the halls to go hang out with Alex and his friends.


When Nick got to the classroom door, he knocked on it. He waited patiently but 5 seconds turned to 5 hours so he just opened the door.

"Ah! hello Nick! here to hang out with your friends?"

Asked Mr. luci. Sapnap nodded frantically while the older laughed.
"Ok well! Alex, George and Clay you guys can leave early!"

The three yelled happily and got their bags and went to their friend and they went to go to the festival.


"Okay we split up! Me and Alex and you and dream!" George said, pointing at the groups.

"Nope I'm going with Alex! you go with dream!" Sapnap said hugging Quackity who giggled, while dream was nodding to sapnaps opinion.
"Ugh fine.." George said giggling.

The 2 groups went their separate way to go and have fun.


"So Alex! wanna go play on the games?" Sapnap said, smiling at the smaller.
Alex nodded
"That's gonna be so fun! Maybe you can get me a prize!" Quackity said playfully pushing the younger softly.
They both laughed and ran to the arcade games.


it was true Sapnap did infact get quackity things, ALOT of things!
Quackity was so happy and it made Sapnap happy. Yeah he may to young to think this but sometimes he thinks one day he'll be able to be more then friends to Alex, even marrying him and it makes him happy thinking about that.

:˚♡KARLNAPITY ONESHOTS! ˚ˑؘजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें