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Say, ‘Now the truth has come from your Lord: let those who wish to believe in it do so, and let those who wish to reject it do so.’
(Surah Kahf: Verse 29)

This is a beautiful reminder from Quran. This verse comes after the story of the people of cave is told. The people of cave directly said that they will obey their Lord only and they will not follow  the people. They left everything for their Lord and took refuge in the cave. They did not worship the idols. Their hearts were only filled with the love of their Merciful Rab. They rejected everything. Even after they woke up after so many years, they were still worried about their faith. They were worried that they might not be forced in worshipping idols. So in this verse Allah said to Prophet (Peace be upon Him) that say that the truth has come from your Lord and now whoever wants to accept it will be given immense reward and whoever rejects it will suffer the painful torment.
So how can we apply this ayah in our lives? Just for a moment close your eyes and look at the condition of your heart. Is the love of Allah really your top priority? Being muslims, it is obvious that we will not worship the idols but just look at yourself. Who do we worship? Money? Fame? Any celebrity? Your children? Obsession with any person? Or anything else? And how can we know that the love of Allah is really in our hearts? Okay, when you stand for your salah, what do you think of all the time? Whatever you think of in your salah is actually your top priority. As salah is for Allah then how can we think of something else in our salah? So the truth has already come to you that Allah should be your top priority then even after this, you are still worshipping your desires. It's again a reminder for you. And still if you don't work to improve your relation with Allah and you are still rejecting the truth, then ask yourself a question. Who are you really worshipping in your life? Your Lord?

Just give a thought.

May Allah forgive our past sins and make His love the only love which we live for.

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