Reminder#5 Everything is written

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"No misfortune can happen, either in the earth or in yourselves, that was not set down in writing before We brought it into being- that is easy for God-"
(Surah Hadid: 22)

In this verse, Allah Almighty is talking about two things. First is misfortune on earth like earthquake and secondly, any misfortune which happens to ourselves like any illness. So Allah Almighty is telling that any misfortune which happens either to earth or to yourselves was already written. So where is it written? It is written in lawh Mahfuz and nothing can change it. This verse shows that Allah has knowledge of every little thing and as He has knowledge of everything so it's not difficult for Allah to write everything in lawh Mahfuz.
This verse gives us a lesson that any misfortune which is written has to happen at any cost. So what do we have to do? We have to hold on to our deen, we have to hold on to Quran and Sunnah so that if any calamity befalls over us, we don't get panicked and hopeless. If any sudden calamity comes over a person like the death of a loved one, the person will obvioulsy get panicked, he will not know where to go or what to do. But if the person is close to Allah Almighty, he will immeditely know that in this situation, he has to be patient and put his trust in Allah. He will know where to take help from. As in mentioned in Quran:
" Seek help through patience and prayer."
As he has read the book of Allah, he will not get panicked. So whatever is written will happen but holding on to Quran and Sunnah will teach us how to react in those situations and where to take refuge. Our reaction in any calamity will also affect our hereafter. If we are patient, we will be given immense reward. Have you ever seen a person who when struck by any calamity immediately says, " Why is Allah doing it to me?" You know why he says this? Because he is not close to Allah, he is not holding on to his deen. If he was close to Allah Almighty, he would not say this. And thus his lack of knowledge also destroys his akhirah.

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