Chapter 23 - Aelin

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Aelin stared down the valg king in front of her.

They'd found him, but it was too soon. Fenrys, Lorcan, Feyre and Rhys were still somewhere on the field, and Nesta, Elain and Amren were racing for the Cauldron, to secure and maybe even nullify the damned thing. Rowan was off finding a place to shift, after which he'd discreetly join the battle and Dorian was... somewhere.

Aelin was left to face the valg king alone.

It was too soon.

The Suriel had told them that neither she, nor Feyre could win alone. The plan had been to face him together, with as many people as possible, really. Aelin had to stall, win everyone time.

"Orcus, I presume." She took a step closer to the King of Hybern.

She'd guessed some time ago that it would be the oldest brother. She hadn't known for sure that it was him until their visit to the Suriel, though. When the Suriel said they needed to be together to defeat the king, she knew for sure. Orcus was not only the oldest, but also the most powerful.

"No one has used that name in years." He seemed mildly curious at best.

"I had the misfortune of meeting your wife." Aelin shook her head. "Miserable woman. I guess that makes you absolutely horrible, since she wanted to get away badly enough to travel to a different world."

"Maeve," Orcus hissed.

"Yep." Aelin lazily flipped her sword in her hand. "You sound like you don't like her. Why follow her to another world if you don't like her?"

"Enough of this nonsense." Orcus lashed out. A whip of darkness shot from his hand as he flung it in Aelin's direction.

As Aelin rolled out of the way, the darkness shot past her and hit a valg behind her instead. Screaming, the valg fell. It writhed on the ground for a moment, before a sword freed it from its misery.

Fenrys looked up at Aelin. His sword was coated in blood, his face set in determination. Several cuts lined his arms and hands, but he seemed fine. Most of the blood on him wasn't his.

"You fight him, I'll make sure these don't stab you in the back." He gestured vaguely at the valg all around.

She nodded at him, thankful for his help.

Their moment ended abruptly when another whip of darkness raced their way. Aelin barely ducked in time. She hoped Fenrys had gotten away, but had no time to check.

Orcus sped up, attacking more and more.

Whips, daggers, full clouds of darkness, all tried to hit Aelin as she rolled, ducked and somersaulted out of the way. Occasionally, she had no option but to use her magic to shield herself.

"Not gonna fight back?" Orcus taunted.

"Not gonna hit?" Aelin fired back.

Her mind was reeling. Fenrys had found her, but how would she alert the rest?

The answer was simple, of course. Before she could act on her plan however, she sensed the presence of a deathly magic behind her.


"Elide really wants you alive for our wedding," he grumbled behind her as he intercepted a valg aiming for her back, "for some reason."

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