Chapter 1 - Aelin

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Hi guys! Thank you so much for checking out my fanfic. I hope you enjoy it!

I finally relented and decided to write one of these as well. I hope to make the plot different from others. It takes place during ACOWAR and after KOA. I think I'll be writing from third person perspective, but since the ACOTAR series is written from first person, it might be a bit difficult.

My first language is not English, but I have been doing bilingual education for several years now, so I like to think that I write fluently. If you see any mistakes, please do point them out! Please feel free to comment, I'd love to see what you think!

Now the story!


Aelin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius smiled as she softly brushed a long strand of silver hair away from her husband's sleeping face. She knew he would wake up soon and wanted to enjoy his peaceful expression for as long as it lasted.

Three years after the war, and both of them still woke early. Not that Aelin minded, watching the sun rise over her country from her balcony, in Rowan's arms as she drank a cup of tea was one of the best ways to start the day. Although, it was even better when he woke up before her, and got them some chocolate croissants.

Usually, Rowan woke up before her, but the rebuilding he'd helped with yesterday had been heavy on the magic, so he slept a little longer today. Aelin didn't mind. He deserved his rest, she just wished she could help more.

Orynth was in the final stages of rebuilding, and nearly everything had been restored to it's former glory. Yesterday, they had started on the theater Rowan had promised her. He'd helped with the some parts of building it himself.

Aelin wanted to help as well, but wind was just more useful than fire when it came to dust and heavy lifting, not to mention the fact that she had a way more limited supply of fire than Rowan had of wind.

Rowan had time and time again pressed that it didn't matter that she didn't do as much of the physical building. That the support she won from Terrasen's lords and the rebuilding she did of their ruling system was just as useful as the rebuilding of buildings he did. He insisted that she could sit on her ass all day if she wanted, that she had already done enough for Terrasen.

Gods she loved him.

However, she was Aelin, and therefore couldn't just do nothing. At least, not until the library was refilled. So, next to meeting with all the lords, making sure the people got more of a say in the ruling of her country and designing the library and theater, she had started with ideas for a magic academy. A place where young magic wielders could learn to control their magic, to use it.

A year after the war, the girl she met while travelling had shown up at Orynth and asked for Celaena Sardothien, as Aelin had instructed. Rowan and Aelin had instructed the girl, not as brutally as how Aelin had learned her magic, and not as dangerously either. It was while helping the girl, that the idea took a place in Aelin's mind. She couldn't let it go. And now, two years later, her plans were nearly complete, she just had to run them through Rowan. For some reason, the thought made her nervous.

A soft kiss on her forehead broke Aelin from her thoughts. A smile took over her face as Rowan's green eyes met hers.

What were you thinking? She could read the question clearly in his eyes.

Just how happy I am that we're here now.

He smiled. "Shall we move to the balcony."

She groaned. "Let's just stay in bed today."

"I'll get you some chocolate."

Aelin was up and grabbing for some pants and a loose shirt in seconds.

"That always seems to get you going," Rowan grumbled, fumbling with his own pants.

She stuck out her tongue at him. She swore she could her him mumble "so queenly" as he left the room.


Aelin brought down her sword for the umpteenth time that morning, as Rowan skilfully deflected her strike. Neither of them had been able to really get any good hits in so far, and it was starting to frustrate her.

They trained every morning, as they both wanted to stay in shape. Just in case.

Rowan lowered his sword. "How about we end it here today."

Aelin nodded. "The citizens will be at the throne room in an hour, and I'd prefer to bathe before then." Every week, citizens could come by the palace with problems that they faced, and Aelin would try to help them. Sometimes Rowan joined, but usually something else required his attention.

She sheathed Goldryn at her hip, as Rowan sheathed his. Then, she stepped into his arms and pressed a kiss to his lips. "Lunch with me?"

He pulled her closer. "Of course."

"Whitethorn!" Fenrys's voice interrupted their moment. "We need you at the theater. And I'm about to go around the corner. I'm three steps from the corner."

"Guess that's my queue." He kissed Aelin once more. "See you at lunch."

"Good luck with the kid!" She answered.

"Hey, I heard that!" Fenrys shouted.


Aelin sauntered into the dining hall, with her assassin's suit on. She'd had a new one made after the war, it had more hidden tools, like lockpicks, and a stag embroidered on the back. It reminded her less of Arobynn and more of Terrasen.

Aedion looked up from his lunch and took a double take as he registered her suit. "Where are you going?"

Aelin plopped down in het chair and made herself a sandwich. "Out. To Oakwald."

He nodded, biting into his pastry.

"Oh, and if we don't come back, you're in charge of Terrasen. With Lysandra. Keep it whole please."

The door to the dining hall opened and Rowan walked through, laden with weapons.

"Hurry up, prepare a sandwich. I want to go before the lords can find me and start a meeting about the pressing issue of the two meters of land they all feel like they desperately need," Aelin said, grabbing her sandwich and standing up.

Rowan grinned at her. "They still haven't fought it out?"

"No, but I nearly set them on fire."

"Of course you did," Aedion said, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, there were more important things we needed to discuss."

Rowan finished preparing his sandwich, and grabbed Aelin's hand. "Let's go."

They walked out of the castle together, eating their sandwiches. Once they reached Oakwald, they found a quiet place in the forest, and sat down for a bit, enjoying the peace and the last bits of their food.

Aelin sighed happily. "I love the forest; no lords with their pressing matters, no ruling that needs to be done. Just peace and quiet."

Then, she heard a rustling sound behind her. She scowled. "Just peace and quiet." The rustling only grew louder, and a heavy wind started to pull on her.

"Aelin, you should probably turn around!" Rowan yelled over the howling wind. "This isn't me!"

"Rutting hell! I thought we were having a good day!" Aelin finally turned around. Her face blanched as she came face to face with the source of the noise.

A gaping black crack had opened right in front of her. A portal.

"No," Aelin whispered. She stumbled slightly as the wind pushed and pushed. "Not this again." She tried to walk away from the portal, but the wind was too strong. "No!"

"You're not going alone." Rowan grabbed her hand. "Together."

She nodded. "Together. To whatever end."

Then they stopped fighting the wind. As they fell the last coherent thought Aelin has was: at least I told Aedion he's in charge.

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