Chapter 16 - Rhysand

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As they landed in the camp, Rhys made quick work of assembling his court in the strategy tent. It did not sit well with him at all that Celaena had somehow known Elain was going to get kidnapped. On top of that, the things the guards had told him kept replaying in his head.

Being a murderer herself. You don't even know her real name.

The murderer part didn't bother him very much, he'd seen her fight on the battlefield. But not knowing her real name? Had the guard lied? Was he just trying to make them doubt each other? Break the already fragile trust?

What if he was right? Did they know anything about the woman?

He'd asked her if Celaena was her real name. It dawned on him then that she'd never confirmed it.

Feyre grabbed Rhys's hand. I know you're worrying—She squeezed his hand—but whatever it is, we'll be fine.

He squeezed back. I know. He tried to believe it.

Cassian fell down on a couch, "Am I going insane or did you all also see Rowan turn into a literal bird?"

"No he turned into a bird," Mor said, dazed.

"I mean," Azriel reasoned, "Celaena did say Rowan and the hawk were the same thing."

"I didn't think she'd meant it literally!" Cassian sighed, throwing his hands up. "I thought the hawk was like... his pet or something, that he just kind of followed wherever Rowan went."

Amren rolled her eyes. "Fae have a secondary form in their world."

"How do you know?" Cassian asked.

Amren just took a sip from the cup she was holding. Azriel slowly tilted his head to the side, "It does make sense." He considered for a moment. "We all saw Rowan shift; a bright flash of light, and then he was a hawk. According to Rhysand, the same thing happened when Celaena shifted to fae. What if she doesn't have both forms because she's demi-fae, but simply because human is her secondary form?"

A silence followed.

Feyre nodded thoughtfully. It does make sense.

Clapping sounded from the tent's entrance. A loud whisper they could all understand followed, "They've figured it out."

"What are you doing here?" Rhysand asked her.

Celaena strolled into the tent, Rowan at her side. "I know you all like to keep your plans secret and, believe me, I understand the urge, but I've got some important information I need to share." She seemed serious.

"And why should we believe what you say?" Feyre said.

Pure confusion took over Celaena's face, before realisation seemed to hit her. "You think I staged the kidnapping." It wasn't a question. "That I planned it, to play hero and win your trust."

There was no hiding it, Rhys had considered it, and still couldn't disregard the idea.

Amren took another sip. "I read a poem once, it fits you awfully well. It went like this:
'The fairest eyes from legends old,
Of brightest blue, ringed with gold.'" Her gaze landed directly on Celaena, "What was it called again?"

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