Chapter 18 - Feyre

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Feyre hopped down from her spot in the tree, landing smoothly. Following Aelin, Feyre thought back to their conversation. She was slightly unnerved by how much the queen seemed to notice, and she was pretty sure Aelin knew more than she showed.

A dagger flew through the air.

Feyre's head whipped up.

Aelin had moved so fast that she'd nearly missed it. "Don't hurt—" Feyre now noticed the arrow sailing for her. The dagger hit the arrow, throwing it off course. Eyes wide, Feyre stared at the arrow that was now impaled in a tree a few inches to her right, the dagger laying in front of her feet. How good was Aelin's aim?

Feyre was now absolutely sure that Aelin was on their side. She'd shown it time and time again, but both Feyre and Rhys had a hard time trusting new people while the war was going on.

As Feyre picked up Aelin's dagger, the latter was already moving again.

Another dagger flew, and the trap was destroyed, the Suriel still between Feyre and her attackers. Aelin covered the ground between her and the Suriel at an incredible speed.

Feyre let some magic flow, searching for their attackers. She located them quickly—and almost threw up.


Aelin reached the Suriel, grabbing their bony arm without hesitation. Feyre found she liked the female more for her lack of fear at the Suriel's appearance. As Aelin started to pull the Suriel out of range, Feyre shielded them from the arrows.

She could feel her magic flagging, her shields weak after helping Rhys cloak their forces and the little sleep she'd gotten. Panting, she called for another shield. The moment the arrow hit it, she knew it wasn't enough.

"To your right!" She screamed at Aelin.

Her shield had only slowed the arrow. Aelin sped up more, giving the Suriel an extra tug. It wasn't enough.

The arrow embedded itself in the Suriel's thin legs.

They fell to the ground. Aelin dropped to her knees beside them. Her hands immediately going to the arrow. Feyre paled when she got a clearer view.

Ash wood.

Feyre made her decision. "Come out Ianthe. I know it is me you want dead!" She yelled.

"Oh but Feyre," Ianthe said, moving out from between the trees, "when you so selfishly brought a friend, you signed them up for death as well."

"Oh thank the gods I updated my will recently." Feyre heard Aelin sarcastically mumble.

Feyre was relieved that she didn't sound worried at all.

"So Feyre, will you introduce your friend to us before you both die, or will she die nameless?" Ianthe seemed to have missed Aelin's mumble.

Aelin full on laughed. "Nameless, huh." A trace of a smile formed on the Suriel's face. Aelin stood up, turning to Ianthe. The laugh turned to a terrifying grin, her head tilted slightly. She swaggered towards Ianthe. A predator stalking their prey. "You are right. I have no name. I am the shadows that stalk you in your darkest dreams, the wind pushing you off the cliff. The laugh that haunts you as you take your last breath.

"I have no name, but you can call me Death."

A mark on Aelin's forehead glowed blue.

Ianthe laughed, but it sounded fake and nervous to Feyre. She was intimidated. "Okay honey. I just want to talk about some things with my friend Feyre, you don't have to get involved."

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