"But what if someone came to kno - she started but was cutt off.

"No one will come to know. We will make a sweet dish - I said.

"You know cooking - she asked.

"Yupp I know . We will make kheer okk - I said.

"Okk so tell me what we have to do - she asked wrapping her dupatta around her neck.

"you soak the rice and I will start to boil milk - I said.

We both started to do work.

I must say she was looking so beautiful.

Some hair strands were falling on her face disturbing her.
I took her hair strands and put behind her ear.

We both were looking into each others eyes.

"Ahad I think we are cooking - she said...

"Ohh yaa ummm I am sorry - I said and started our work. I was cooking and she was also helping me.

* * *

Izzah's pov.

I woke up by sunrays peeping in room

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I woke up by sunrays peeping in room. I sat on bed and started rubbing my eyes, door of washroom opened revealing ahad.

This guy is so handsome.

He came and greeted me. But I was lost in him.
I came out of my dreamland.
And after asking about his back and neck I went to washroom and quickly did my morning chores.

I came out wearing simple kurti and pant.
I saw ahad looking at me and I smiled. I quickly got ready and we both went out.

Maa blasted a bomb at me that I have to cook as it is a rasam.
I was really nervous. Maa went to her room and we both went to kitchen.

Ahad send rahima didi out and I started my blabbering but he calmed me down.
Told me that he will help me.
We both started cooking but as I was helping him.


The whole kitchen was mess.
Rice was on the tabletop, some dry fruits were fallen.
I was really embarrassed.

"I am sorry actually..... I.....um..... I don't know cooking. I don't even go to kitchen when I was in my house - I said looking down.

"Izzy look at me - he said and raised my head by putting his index finger on my chin.

"It's okk it's just a rasam and I have already told you not to worry and this mess that WE have created will be cleaned okk - he said.

And suddenly we heard someone's footsteps.

"Ohhh noo ahad go someone is coming - I said and he nodded went out of kitchen.

and I started my acting.
Maa came inside looking around the kitchen.

My Girl is Crazy (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin