"What's it going to take to make you leave?" She asked, grabbing an oversized hoodie from her wardrobe

"Give me your number" he said, as he watched her pull the hoodie over her body. He wished she didn't. He liked seeing her naked.

"What?" She asked as she ensured the hoodie was covering majority of her, with it stopping just under her ass and at the middle of her thighs. She knew her being naked infront of Theo was one, a temptation for him as he literally couldn't keep his eyes off of her and two, easy access to get her to melt in his hands and get her to do whatever he wanted sexual wise.

"I said give me your phone number" he repeated


"So that I can actually contact you"

"Why would you need to-"

"Naomi, you refused to accept any of my friend requests on basically every social media over summer, I want a way to contact you"

"Ugh, fine" she rolled her eyes as she grabbed her phone

"There, happy?" She raised her eyebrows, showing him her phone so he could write her number down in his phone

"No, still pretty hungry" he laughed as he finished typing in the last few digits and saving her contact

"Oh my god, get out and don't get caught" she pushed him towards her bedroom door, knowing there was no way he could jump out of her window without everyone seeing him. It was a good escape route but too bait in broad daylight. She was glad she got the room at the front of the house with the mini balcony now.

"Okay, okay, calm down I'm going" he surrendered, opening the bedroom door and making his way out of the house, trying his hardest not to get caught. For Naomi's sake and his. He was not about to deal with the brutal reality of Tiana, Liv and Eliza bombarding him with questions about what he was doing there as well as Tiana and Liv knowing he was coming out of Naomi's room. Then proceeding to ask what him and Naomi were when he had no clue himself.

Naomi let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding as she watched Theo walk down her street in the direction of his house. She was thankful he had made it out without being caught. She knew this for sure because if he didn't she knew that the girls would immediately come barging into her room, dragging Theo along to ask them both a long list of questions about what the fuck was going on between the two of them.

Truth be told, Naomi had no clue either. She just knew that her body wanted him. And when he touched her, she couldn't help but be shocked at the sensation that was his touch. How it felt different but the same everytime. How when they slept together it wasn't just fucking and it definitely wasn't making love, but it was something. Something she knew no one else could give her. Something which made her body yearn for him. Something which tainted her. Tainted her body and made sure she couldn't enjoy sex with anyone else without thinking of him.

God, how could she be so dumb for getting involved with him. It all spiralled from night in his room when they were high together and they almost kissed. They didn't even kiss and yet they knew it was the start of something. The start of their bodies knowing they wanted each other, but their mouths failing them in saying the words.

She couldn't help be ridden with regret. Regret was etched on her face as she basked in the reality of her previous actions. Her actions from last year which involved Theo, all the way to her actions a few minutes ago. A few minutes ago when he was buried deep inside of her, making her call him daddy. Making her yell so that she was pretty sure her neighbors could hear how he 'owned her pussy'. That he was hers.

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