Chapter 9

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(I don't own Supernatural or Criminal Minds.)


Viper held the Hunter's heart in his hands before dropping it into the large tub of the angel's blood. Then he scattered the fiery feathers of the phoenix into it and watched them fizzle until the tub glowed. Then he scattered the vampire's fangs and the werewolf's claws.

He watched it for a while, then he yawned, trying to keep his eyes open as he grabbed a handful of the dragon's feathers. He took a deep breath before dropping them in, hoping it would work.

It didn't.

He shrieked as the mixture flared up like a small nuke had been set off. Then he realized it was her. The dimension jumper had been her all along.

The black dragon roared in rage, her black, white-pupiled eyes filled with anger.

The spell had worked, but because he failed to get the scales, he had summoned her in the process, and there would be a delay in her banishment from his dimension. Enough time for Eclipse to drag his screaming little self into a dimension ruled by monsters.

Yes, she had been banished from one of the Supernatural dimensions, but that was only one of infinite dimensions, he realized in horror.

And then she smirked, and then she leaped as if jumping off a cliff, and disappeared.

He didn't last five seconds.




No response.




Nothing. Mama had disappeared a while ago. Nobody knew what happened. Draco had said that she had fallen into another dimension while the rest of us slept, and she had glimpsed the inside of the portal from her glass cage. She'd seen a black haired boy with a lightning bolt scar, but then the portal had closed, taking Mama with it.


"Still alive," she replied. I knew she was as weak as the rest of us, because I never heard her pacing around her cell any more.


No response.


A splash came from Nes's little aquarium. He was the only one who had water.


"Used to... water shortage," came the reply, "how are you doing, Spencer?"

"Like I haven't had water or food for five days. Why am I not dead?"

"Side effects, but that only gives you six days, and today's the fith day."

"Why is Draco still alive?"

"I had a bottle of water. I always sneak food for if I get hungry later. But the water ran out yesterday. Do you think Viper's.... dead?" her voice was hopeful despite the fact that we were all gonna die.

"So..... perhaps you can tell me who Axel was." I said, hoping they would tell me.

"Best not to."

"Read that book again, please," Marco responded, "how many books have you memorized?"

"Which one do you want to hear?" I responded, going through my mental library.

He paused, thinking.

"Why don't you just save your energy, Spence?" Nes sighed, "as much as we all want a story to pass the time, just try to stay alive. We already lost Michael today."

I heard the water in his tank splash against the sides as he changed back into his true form.

"Nobody is coming for us," Draco said sadly.

The sound of a door being kicked down begged to differ.

I heard Nes sputtering in his tank, knowing by the sound of him coughing that he'd quickly changed into human form in too much of a hurry and had choked on some water as his lungs shrunk to fit the smaller form.

A coughing fit came from Marco, so I'm guessing he changed into his slightly less durable to lack of water as his dragon form.


I sighed in relief at the familiar sounds of my team.

"Help the others," I heard somebody say.



At the sight of law enforcement rushing through the door, I changed in an instant. I changed form too quickly and breathed in a little water by accident. I may live in water but I was still a mammal.

I finally reached the surface and gasped for air, grasping for anything to hold onto because my arms and legs were tired from swimming for five days straight. The tank I was in made it hard to rest, and I was used to laying on the banks of my lake, not the even bottom underwater in a tank, which made it impossible to rest. The exhaustion hit me, and I struggled to float as the black t-shirt and jeans I was wearing tried to drag me down. The top of the tank was out of reach, and I couldn't grab hold of the smooth sides.

Marco was struggling to hold onto the bars of the birdcage he was in, now that he could easily slip through, to avoid falling into my tank. Sky dragons can't swim, even in human form.

I recognized the newcomers from Spencer's descriptions.

As the ones called Sam and Dean made their way up the stairs to my tank, I glanced up at Marco.

"Marco! You have to jump!"

"Aw heck no!!!"

"Do it!" Draco screamed from her glass cage.

Marco closed his eyes tightly.

"I want you to land feetfirst!"

Marco nodded, took a deep breath, and let go.

As he hit the water with a splash and started to sink, I took a deep breath and dived. Determined not to let my friend down, I tried to ignore the pain of exhaustion and reached him in seconds. Hauling him to the surface wasn't easy, but the next thing I knew somebody was taking him from me before grabbing my hands and pulling me to safety. Where I promptly threw up the water from my lungs.

I gasped for air, laying on my back.

I could see the grin on Draco's face.

15 years she had been here. 14 years for me and Marco.

All three of us had huge grins on our faces, and I heard a strange sound. Draco was laughing in delight.

It was over. It was finally over.

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