"That's true!" Ino nudged her little feet to offset herself on her swing. "And it doesn't matter—as long as he loves you, right?" She grinned and Sakura returned it.


The five-year-old surmised love

Sakura walks out of the bathroom feeling more rejuvenated, a peach towel draped around her hair, beige slacks and a white buttoned up blouse wet over the shoulders from the water dripping down her head

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Sakura walks out of the bathroom feeling more rejuvenated, a peach towel draped around her hair, beige slacks and a white buttoned up blouse wet over the shoulders from the water dripping down her head. She can't keep thinking about what Sasuke said, or whatever condition she has ended up in. Time won't stop for her to stabilize herself up on her feet, she just has to grow strong enough to resist whatever is making her stumble. Though, even so, Sakura can't help but fall in a line of thought sometimes, a trail she has always shunned. What did she do to deserve all of it?

People say the deeds of your previous incarnations return to you in your next. But why? Isn't it unethical to force the wrath of someone else's nefariousness over some completely innocent being? This world driven by justice and Karma contradicts itself every once in a while. Sakura can relate to it. One does not trample on a flower just because weeds used to grow in that field. Sakura feels more like a thorn, though—nothing but a superfluous and troubling existence.

Sakura closes the door and strides towards the wide table a little to the right of the vacant area between the living room and the kitchen. Sasuke's house varies from houses she has seen until now. It's like a flower, each room being a petal sprouting from the same bud. All the doors are positioned in a way that they'll open straight towards the living area with the kitchen and diner connected to it. There's a floor above though, where Sasuke's brother, Itachi, lives with his wife, Izumi. Their house makes Sakura feel a deep grasp of being connected, as if they want to solidify their bond through this setup as proof of them being family. As if no matter what, they'll end up together. It makes her feel confounded with emotions. Sasuke has a fascinating family, one saturated with so much love. She can only imagine the extent of love Sasuke might feel for his lover. Right. His lover...

Sakura's lips droop again. No matter what, her mind ends up stopping at the same topic. She feels like a masochist.

Sakura is suddenly greeted with a back hug and she gasps. She turns back, wide-eyed and jaw hung open, to find Izumi grinning at her. Her swollen belly presses itself against Sakura's back, and she can feel the warmth seeping in and spreading all throughout her body. For a second, she forgets all about Sasuke. Izumi's eyes follow hers, and her grin changes itself into a gentle upturn of lips which Sakura can't express by any other term but motherly.

"This?" She binds her arms around her belly, "This one's really calm. It doesn't give me much trouble, even in its sixth month. My feet are a little swollen, though." She beams at Sakura, her eyes carrying a mysterious glint, "Don't worry. You'll be getting one soon. No pressure, though."

Sakura has never met with the desire for a child more firmly than at that moment. She understands it is human nature to crave something because it's strongly denied to you, but there is a dominant urge to cry. All she wants to do right now is hit Sasuke and ask him what right does he have to take away something so precious from her.

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