I reached over and grabbed my notebook 'will it hurt me?' I ask her, she looked at me with a frown before giving me a sweet gentle smile "No sweetie, it won't. I won't give you anything, if was going to hurt you, I used to take this when I was sick, my mom would give it to me when I was sick to make me get better" I looked at her before carefully taking the cup, she helped me sit up and take the medicine, I cringe at the taste at first before I taste grape, I drink from my sippy cup before laying back down "Celestia, come lay with her, I need to go do something" Celestia hopped up and laid down, I closed my eyes feeling tired. I felt Ms. Aphmau kiss my forehead whispering something before leaving, I didn't know what she whispered but she whispered something, but I was too tired to ask, I felt darkness take me to slumber town.

*Time Skip*

*Aphmau's P.O.V*

I carefully got out of bed careful not to wake Lotusia, she was still running a fever but it was slowly coming down, I quietly groan "It's Monday" I groaned while stretching my aching limbs "Aphmau, come down here quick!" I hear Katelyn yell, I look over onto the bed making sure that didn't wake Lotusia up, once I was sure it didn't I quickly but quietly left the room "Katelyn" I whisper/yell "Katelyn, what's wrong, you shouldn't be yelling Lotuisa's sleeping up there still..." I stopped and gasp, seeing the door was block by snow "Oh my Irene" I stare wide eyed "We're snowed in" Kawaii~Chan points out, I stand in the door way of the living room staring at the snow covered door from the windows near the door "Apparently there was a flash snowstorm last night" Katelyn says turning around to face us.

I let out a breath "I don't even understand, how the heck did this happen without us noticing?" I asks very confused, I was glad I got to stay home to take care of Lotusia but still "W-What do we do!? Kawaii~Chan was supposed to go into work today!?" Kawaii~Chan asks while whining, I turned to her with a frown "Kawaii~Chan, I don't think is going into work at this point" I tell her before realizing, I gasp with joy "You know what that means?" I asks Kawaii~Chan with a smile on my face "Do you know what that means, Kawaii~Chan?" I ask her again getting closer to her "Oh no.. Not..." I hear Katelyn "Super Fun Time Friendship Caring Bonding Absolutely We Love Each Other Day" I scream accidently while jumping, I gasp and cover my mouth.

I calm down a bit, not wanting to wake Lotusia with the yelling "Someone kill me now" Katelyn says to herself clearly not happy, not facing us with her head down "Oh come on Katelyn, ever we've moved into the house, you've been avoiding me and Kawaii~Chan liked the plague, you've haven't been avoiding Lotusia that much since she's been here. But especially when it comes to our little mini sleepovers that are absolutely fun" I tell her with a smile and hand on my hips "BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT SLEEP OVERS! WE ALL LIVE IN THE SAME HOUSE!" Katelyn ask, I hold my hands up "Katelyn, no yelling, Lotusia still asleep upstairs!" I quietly yell/whisper at her with a glare.

I clear my throat as Katelyn calms down a bit too "Still, come on. Now that we're snowed in, you have no choice but to hang out with us, you can't run away and hang out with Nicole this time, Katelyn" I chuckle evilly at her "Ugggh..." She sighs "What exactly do we do at these little meetings, I know Lotusia usually joins you girls, but she's can't exactly do that now, can she?" I shook my head but smile none of the less "Pfft, wow Katelyn, they're not meetings, God you make it sound like we put on little suits and have little meetings about little kitty cats and rainbows" I scoff at her "Sheesh" I scoff at her with a frown "So we shouldn't bring our suits..?" Kawaii~Chan whispers to me, I turned to her and walked up to her "Kawaii~Chan, Kawaii~Chan, you're really not helping my case here" I whisper back to her " I would appreciate it if you kept that to your self" I whisper "Kawaii~Chan thought Aphmau~Senpai said that we were going to play dress up with Lotusia~Tan..?" Kawaii~Chan whispers.

She was looking down with a frown "We are Kawaii~Chan, but just not now" I whisper to her before clearing my throat as I turned to Katelyn "Katelyn" She backs up into the corner slightly "It is called Super Fun Time Friendship Bonding and Caring Day for a reason" I tell her with my hands on my hips with a smile "Because what Kawaii~Chan and I do, sometimes with Lotusia, what we do is what we talk about what we've been into lately and we share it and we care about it, even if we have to pretend to care about it" I tell her, she just looks down "I-I know, I know, it sounds googoo gaga lame and yes and I'm sorry we're not, you know hardcore enough gal like you Katelyn, but ,his is a good group exercise, where we touch all the feels, it's really nice, really" I tell her.

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