|✿| Longterm Guest |✿|

Start from the beginning

"Are you okay, Miss? You shouldn't be sitting out in the rain like this, you'll catch a cold." A smooth, velvety voice caught her attention - it was soothing to her ears and she was surprised at the genuine concern laced within it. Slowly, she raised her head at the sound of it, only to be taken aback by the person before her - which undoubtedly made her heart skip a beat and cheeks turn redder than they already were from the cold.

Before her was a man who had to have been around the same age as herself, smiling kindly down at her with brows furrowed together in worry - all while he was holding a sleek black umbrella to prevent the rain from hitting her. He was dressed rather sharply, wearing an all white suit with some light blue trim, then a black turtle neck underneath the jacket. It matched well with his features - he was truly a sight to behold with his pale complexity, those stunning blue eyes of his that looked just like the ocean, and his neatly done locks of hair that were as pure as snow. In all honesty he looked like an angel in that moment.

Maybe this day wasn't as bad now.

Perhaps he took her silence as a bad sign, for he paused and now observed the wet, cardboard boxes that surrounded her. Immediately his smile fell and realization seemed to kick in - she was sitting outside an apartment complex with her belongings, so it wasn't too hard to connect the dots. The man's gaze swiftly turned sympathetic when he once again met her widened (E/c) eyes.

"Were you kicked out of your apartment?" He asked, his tone a lot softer and filled with sorrow now. Hearing his voice again luckily knocked (Y/n) out of the trance she was in, finally coming back down to the reality of the situation.

An embarrased sigh managed to escape her lips while her gaze fell down to the ground. "Yeah... I uhm, kind of got fired from my job, so they didn't trust me to pay my rent on time. So, now here I am." The (blonde, brunette, etc.) mumbled in response, her tone being rather ashamed for being caught in such a position. Everything went downhill in just the timespan of a day - needless to say she felt pretty humiliated about it all.

The albino before her seemed to contemplate something for a few minutes before addressing her again. "I see... Do you want to come live with me for a while, then?" When that inquiry earned him an incredulous look from the woman seated on the curb he quickly realized his mistake. "A...ah, not in a creepy way! I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it come off that way! It's just that you seem to be struggling and I don't want to leave you like this all alone on the streets..." He tried to explain himself and she couldn't help but feel amused, for the once composed male had turned flustered and a little panicked.

For a moment (Y/n) thought it over, not really sure what she should do with this new situation she was presented with. While he seemed kind hearted, he could've been some serial killer for all she knew. Then again, what other choice did she have? It was either go with him and attempt to get her life back together, or stay on the streets and build up from there - yeah, she much preferred the first option.

After she finally decided she looked up at him with a small smile. "I'd really appreciate that, actually. Thank you so much." The woman replied gratefully, which seemed to make the male before her calm down and relax. "I'm (Y/n), by the way. It's nice to meet you, and thank you again." Seeing as she failed to earlier she introduced herself, causing a smile to light up on the blue eyed man's face.

"That's a very pretty name. I'm Norman, it's a pleasure to meet you as well. Now, let's get you to my car so you won't be freezing cold." Norman introduced himself back, all while holding a hand out towards her to help her off the ground. She gladly accepted, letting him hoist her up into a standing position - her cheeks heated up more when he handed her the umbrella, only so he could remove his jacket and carefully lay it over her shoulders. All these actions were a lot more gentlemanly than what she was used to - not even any of her past boyfriends treated her like so.

|✿| The Promised Neverland: Norman × Reader Oneshots |✿|Where stories live. Discover now