10. Battle of the Humongonauts

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A/n: The story has just hit 11k reads, thanks for all of the support you guys.

It was early evening in Crystal Cove as people were out and about. And it was because of a new club called "The Tiki Tub" just opened. And one of the club's best singer's was now about to start a performance for the crowd.

Singer: 🎶 If my lips could only say the pretty words that I feel in my heart. And if my voice could make the sound, I would tell you that I love you and we'd never be apart. 🎶

🎶 But with just one look into your face, then my mind starts to drift off into space. And the words just get stuck in my throat, the words get stuck in my throat. 🎶

As the singer was continuing her song, Mayor Jones and Sheriff Stone watched. It was, after all, the mayor's idea to open The Tiki Tub. He thought it would be a great idea for help tourism in Crystal Cove.

Sheriff Stone: I got to hand it to you Mayor, Crystal Cove needed a trendy spot like The Tiki Tub and you delivered. All of the local hep cats are going to dig this crazy joint.

Mayor Jones: Just one more check on the to-do list that will turn Crystal Cove into the top cultural / paranormal city of the world. And let me congratulate you Sheriff on how things have been so quiet around town. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, "a quiet town is a place where people like to spend money.

And as soon as Mayor Jones finished, the song came to an end. All of the people attending were enjoying their night and things were going great.

Singer: Thank you, thank you everyone.

Sadly, as soon as people started to clap, someone let out a scream. That's when more and more people saw what the person screamed about. The singer then turned around and had let out a scream too. Because from out from behind the singer stood some sort of giant green ape monster.

People all started to run for their lives as the creature started to destroy The Tiki Tub. After having all but destroyed the building, the green creature then retreated into the night. And as soon as it left, Sheriff Stone and Mayor Jones emerged from the wreckage with the singer, who had fainted, with them.

Sheriff Stone: I hope that you have insurance, because I want to see that again! Encore! Encore!

The next day, Scooby was up and ready to start the day. He was about to start eating, but didn't want to do it without Shaggy. So since he was still asleep, Scooby decided to go and wake him up.

Scooby: Raggy? Raggy?

Radio ad: Folks, are you worried about terrible things happening to your loved ones and not being able to pay for them? Then call the Max Minner insurance agency.

Scooby had then made his way up to Shaggy's room to get him. As soon as he did, he then Saw Shaggy in bed and had pulled the covers off. But to his surprise, he instead just found "Harry", Shaggy's old ventriloquist dummy.

Scooby: Oh, sorry Harry.

So not knowing where to look, Scooby went to find Shaggy. Scooby decided to go and look out in the back garden to find Shaggy. Sadly, he wasn't having any luck at all and was starting to get a little bit worried.

Scooby: Raggy? Raggy?

That's when Scooby had heard Shaggy talking nearby. And then he saw a few of the hedges start moving. And that's when Scooby thought that Shaggy was in danger.

Scooby Doo Mystery Madness: Male Reader X DaphneWhere stories live. Discover now