17. Escape From Mystery Manor

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It was a late Halloween night several decades ago. And a little girl no older than eight or nine walked up to a huge mansion near her home. Said mansion was none other than the famous Darrow Manor. Once the girl reached the door, she knocked on it a couple times before a man answered.

Girl: Trick or treat!

Mr. Darrow: You'll never get this from me you little brats! Never!

The girl was confused as to what the man was talking about. That's when she noticed a strange golden disk piece in the mans hand. And before she could say anything, Mr. Darrow's wife had grabbed him. This caught the girl by surprise as her confusion was instantly replaced with sheer terror.

The little girl ran off screaming as Mr. Darrow was dragged inside. And that's when more chaos started to break out as Mr. and Mrs. Darrow started to fight. Both were trying to get the golden disk piece from the other. That's when their two kids, a sixteen year old girl and a seven year old boy, burst into the room.

And as soon as they did, the entire Darrow family was fighting. And for some odd reason, they were all trying to get the disk piece. Each of them were shouting and all getting the piece just before someone else grabbed it. After several minutes, the seven year old boy was finally able to get his hands on the strange disk piece.

Boy: I have it! I have it!

That's when things had finally taken a complete turn for the worse. Because that's when the ground suddenly had started to shake. And when it did, the Darrow family stopped arguing and had started panicking. But the seven year old boy seemed to be the one who was most terrified.

Boy: Dad, mom, what's going on?!

That's when the shaking started to get really violent. That's when entire Darrow family mansion was swallowed whole. And then there was nothing left except for the stone sidewalk that use to lead to the manor. To this day, no one knows what happened to the Darrow family, until today that is.

In the present, the mystery gang was over at K-Ghoul. After their previous case with Aphrodite, they were taking a chance to relax. And at the moment, Angel was playing some records like she always does. But the gang was waiting for her so they could talk about it important.

Angel: Angel Dynamite coming at you with the spinners spinning rounds for all you sinners in this town. And we'll be right back baby.

With that, she started the next record and joined the gang. But not before she grabbed a black book that she found. And once she entered the room, she saw Velma had prepared a presentation about the cursed treasure.

Angel: Alright kids, lay it on me.

Velma: Alright, here are the clues we have so far that are linked to the curse of the haunted treasure. One, the locket we found in the Crystal Cove caves, which has the picture of Brad Chiles and Judy Reeves from the original Mystery Inc.

Riley: Then there's Professor Pericles, who was also a member of the original Mystery Inc. too. Plus not to mention that he vanished without a trace after the Aphrodite case.

Velma: Three, the Darrow family, who disappeared along with their mansion nearly seventy-five years ago.

Y/n: And finally is Mr. E, a mysterious ally who's been leaving us clues to solve this mystery. And not to mention he has some sort of weird obsession with me, according to several notes.

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