3. The Creeping Creatures

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Late on night, a family was traveling to New York City. Sadly, the husband had gotten them lost on the way. Now they were in the abandoned town that was once known as Gatorsburg.

Wife: Are you sure this is New York City?

Husband: Yeah, absolutely. And if I'm not mistaken, this here is Broadway. What's that street sign say?

Wife: Gator Avenue.

Husband: I wonder how far away Gator Avenue is from Broadway.

Daughter: *pulls out map* According to this map, two thousand miles.

Husband: In that case, we're gonna need to fill up the tank.

So the husband decided to pull up to the old gas station. Sadly, they didn't know that the entire town had been abandoned for decades.

Husband: Hello? Anyone there? Hello?

The husband decides to see of there was anyone inside. But he left the front door open, and the family dog managed to get out.

Daughter: Puddles! Come back!

The young girl chases after the dog as her father tries to find a way to make the gas pump work. Then the young girl notices the dog growling at something in the bushes. And just before she can grab the dog, it jumps into the bushes.

Daughter: Puddles?

That's when she noticed a head like figure in the bushes. She goes to reach for it, thinking it was her dog. But then a pair of glowing read eyes open as a gator creature jumps out. It nearly bites her hand off as she runs back to the car screaming, which catches her parents attention quickly.

Daughter: GATOR MAN!

Husband: Now honey, there's no such thing as a--

Before he even could finish, an ugly gator man with a white face and black hair jumps out.

Husband: GATOR MAN!

With that, the husband and his daughter get into the car. But as soon as he had started the car, another gator monster appeared in front of the car. That caused them all to scream before begining to drive off. Then the family dog came running back which caused them to stop.

Daughter: Puddles!

The young girl grabbed the dog as they drove off, while losing some of their belongings too. As soon as they rounded the corner, the gator creatures slipped back into the darkness.

At Fred's house, the rest of the gang was all in the living room. They hadn't had any mysteries in weeks and it was starting to get to them. And to make matters worse, rain was heavily pouring outside.

Y/n and his uncle had finally finished setting up their new home and decided to visit. And Y/n was glad his uncle had finally got a car for himself so he could use his. Sadly, like the others, he was completely board out of his mind.

Velma: I am so board, we haven't had a good mystery in I don't know when.

Fred seemed to be the only one who had something to do. For some odd reason, he was building something at his front door. Velma was sitting down, completely board and Shaggy and Scooby had fallen asleep.

Y/n and Daphne decided to read a few of the magazine's Fred had. Sadly, it was just a select few, and they had read through them all.

Daphne: Fred, I think Y/n and I have read every magazine in your house.

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