Part 53: Let's get drunk

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*You arrive with your shots to the couch*

Y/N: Where are Chris and Bucky?

Scott: Probably went to make out in a room

*You laugh*

Hope: What did I do wrong to fall for him?

Nat: Nice, shots

*She tries to grab one*

Y/N: Ey! Get your own

*They all laugh*

Pietro: Wait are you being serious right now?

Y/N: Yes I am

MJ: I for one like the idea

Y/N: Great! Let's get drunk!

*You all drink your shots and before you know it you are dancing on the table*

Nat: Yas y/n!

*You spot Chris and Bucky walk over*

Y/N: *Drunk voice* Hey! There come the lovebirds Scott

Scott: How was make-out session?

Bucky: Shut up or i'll rip your head off

Y/N: There's the Bucky I fell for

Chris: Y/n I think you should get down from there

Y/N: Yeah, i'll get more shots

*You go to the bar*

Y/N: Three more shots

Bartender: On their way

*he gives you your shots*

Y/N: Thank you very much

*You walk back to your friends*

*You raise a shot glass*

Y/N: To weddings and love and friends and family and complicated love triangles oh and also to birthdays

*After 6 more shots you are unable to keep standing and you stumbling throughout the room*

*You point at Chris*

Y/N: I really like you

*You point at Steve*

Y/N: And I really like your friend too

*You turn towards Chris and Bucky*

Y/N: Is there nothing I can do, for the both of you?

Chris: Y/n...

Y/N: Maybe we could have a threesome. Just us

Bucky: You and me your fiance?

Y/N: Let's fuck. No tears if we all make one love

Chris: Y/n... You're really drunk

Bucky: Why don't you take her to her room?

Chris: I think I will

Y/N: No! I'm having a lot of fun here!

Chris: You are way too drunk, now let's go

Y/N: No! Well not unless Bucky comes too

Chris: You are going to sleep

Y/N: No! I wanna fuck!

Bucky: Y/n, Chris is right, you should rest, we both know how bad you will feel tomorrow if you keep drinking, you'll feel bad enough already

Y/N: No!

Pietro: I'll take her, she'll have no time to escape

Y/N: Yes I will, watch me

*You try to run but you fall on your face*

Chris: Y/n!

*You start laughing*

Y/N: I'm completely fine

Pietro: Okay, that's enough

*He grabs you by the waist and takes you to your bathroom*

Y/N: You don't learn don't you? Every time you do that it makes me want to throw up more

Pietro: Well, yeah but you're always on the right place

Y/N: You're not wrong

*You start to feel bad*

*You throw up*

*When you are done you brush your teeth and get ready for bed*

Y/N: Tonight was fun, well of course it started being fun after that man left and Chris stopped hovering me about the whole 'threatening that mans life'

Pietro: Well now you go to sleep and tomorrow you sleep all day because you'll have the biggest hangover of your life

Y/N: Good night big bro

Pietro: Good night sis

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